Meta post I’ve decided to make. I enjoyed the unixporn subreddit a lot when I used reddit more. I enjoy customizing my linux de as much as the next nerd.

But you definitely shouldn’t use racist slang to refer to the process.

To be clear, I didn’t know the origin of the term ‘ricing’ until fairly recently. I was chattimg with my friend and used it to describe my de setup. They informed me that apparently it’s from car customization, and is a pejorative against generally asian men who customize their car to look like a racecar.

After learning this I was sad to realize just how engrained it is in linux de customization culture. I personally have stopped using the term, and I would ask everyone here stop as well.

  • DWin
    2 years ago

    These are of course bad words, but it ignores words that have decreased in sensitivity as they’ve moved away from their original meaning. How much intent should we unknowingly accept from words we don’t know the origins of?

    The word “daft” used to be used as a term for someone “crazy” or “mad”. Nowerdays this has been socially softened to be used when someone makes a basic mistake.

    Lame used to be for someone physically impaired but now is used to denote something that’s uncool.

    And then if we wanna dive super deep into it and we look at a lot of high fantasy, the origins are possibly abhorant. Some species are believed to have been directly influenced by racial stereotypes in their formation.

    Should all high fantasy be destroyed because of this? Or have we socially evolved past using those comparisons as a way to separate each other in society?