Not even a day after he bullshitted about Democrats not bailing Republicans out and standing strong against this CR that fucks over the working class.
I’ll keep saying it, the DNC is a sunk cost. You will keep trying to get them to stand up for you; get them to care; get them to fight. They will keep taking your energy; taking your money; taking your vote and do nothing with it.
100 percent agree. I haven’t donated, volunteered or voted for them in a primary for them for over a decade now.
For those that don’t get the reference: energy vampires.
There is always a Democrat willing to go against the will of the people. If it wasn’t this twat it would be someone else. At this point we should just replace them all.
Not even the slightest bit of resistance. Asked for nothing, got nothing. Just caved like a house of cards because of the “optics” around shutting down a bunch of government agencies that Trump is about to shut down anyway.
And the rest of our representatives are falling in line. Not even putting up a fight. Just rolling over and playing dead. Thanks, guys. Good to know that in our fight for democracy, we can rely on you to step aside and let Trump take a giant shit on it.
Called it
Kleptocrats gonna kleptocrat.
Disgusting complicity.
The only way to get these soulless ghouls to listen is to make them afraid.