Fuck people who didn’t vote over that. Like it or not, we have a two party system, and not voting was a vote for the current state of affairs.
Fuck people who didn’t vote over that. Like it or not, we have a two party system, and not voting was a vote for the current state of affairs.
I’m too lazy to be problematic, so yeah. Never doing laundry would be nice. Wear once. Recycle.
Here’s an idea. Take out the pieces that inflate costs, provide no actual healthcare, and make ridiculous profits.
Borg for files. Proxmox snapshots for the VMs.
Tired of it being everybody else’s job to “protect the children” rather than their parents.
So sick of this orange sphincter faced dickhead and he isn’t even in office yet.
I use vradio for this.
How meta of them
Yes they did.
Body positivity used to be about actual disabilities or skin conditions out of a person’s control. Then obese “healthy at every size” fuckwits hijacked the term.
Despite his racist reasons for doing so, killing H1B is a good thing. It is abused by contracting companies for cheap labor while higher skilled local talent is not hired.
But yeah, the memory of this guy’s supporters and how easy he is to manipulate is non existant.
I run my own mail server. Every business gets a unique address. Easy to filter. Easy to know if they were compromised or sold your info.
You can use dot/plus addresses/aliases with some providers to do the same.
The matrix is good precisely because they don’t spoon feed everything to you.
Maybe golf. At his own resorts. Charging inflated rates for his room and secret service/guest rooms + meals.
I 110% agree with this.
This guy has never been close to flush drowning.
Goonies was better. This is just Goonies in space. It’s not awful, but I wouldn’t call it especially great. There’s no emotional connection with the kids.
Replaceable screen and battery. Actually being able to drop in a new radio would be nice too. I only gave up my op7t because no 5g.