I came to Lemmy cause Reddit went to shit, so I get that people want to bash it and I also understand that most of the users of Lemmy are from the US and the shit show that’s happening there right now, but I am absolutely tired of these 2 types of posts being the only thing in my feed, I open this app because I want to learn new interesting things, and maybe see some funny and creative stuff, there’s enough negativity and stress in my life and I don’t need more of that on my only social media app. How do I filter these topics from my feed and which communities can I join to improve my feed.

  • UnwrittenProtagonist@lemmyusa.com
    5 天前

    Have you tried filtering the home page? I’m very new to Lemmy so my advice may not be the best, but on the home page (I’m’ using lemmyusa), there is a “Location” option and I changed it from “All” to “Subscriptions”. This way I only get the sub communities I’ve subscribed to.

    I have not found a way to hide a sub community (i.e. hide “politics” or something) from the main feed.

    If someone with more experience with Lemmy can sherd some additional advice for focusing content I would appreciate it!