Proposed Rule Changes
Hey everyone, I’m looking to simplify the rules (cut out a lot of the redundant text), allow for additional content (like users promoting their own recruitment videos, etc), and clarify anything that needs clarification.
Let me know what you think. I’ll leave this post up for at least a week for some discussion/revisions before actually updating the rules.
Proposed text to be removed is striked out.
Proposed additions are in bold.
Altered text is italicized.
Inline comments are in code blocks
Other comments are quotes
Submitted content must be related to Star Citizen.’redundant with the next sentence
All c/starcitizen content must be related to Star Citizen. Content with an indirect relationshipmust be a text/self post andmust attempt to provide meaningful discussion of Star Citizen.
I don’t see why content with an indirect relationship needs to be limited to a text/self post, if anyone sees a good reason for this we can leave it in. If it becomes a problem in the future we can always add it back in.
Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. Don’t be a dick.
Treat others with respect’redundant text, falls under "Be respectful"
and refrain from name calling/insults.’redundant, falls under "No personal insults/bashing"
Follow these posting restrictions:
- No Grey Market Trading
- Trading items using in-game currency is fine, but no trading hangar items (ships, game packages, etc.) using real world currency.
clarifying this rule.
No recruitment posts
Not enough content here for this to be a problem, we can always place frequency limits, only allow it on weekends, or create a new community for it.`
- No blog spam, stream spam, or re-hosted content
- Posting your own content is welcome, the frequency of posting should not be excessive
clarifying this rule.
Memes (and similar content) must feature content directly related to Star Citizen
falls under Rule 1.
- No Cheat Accusations
- Posting about someone cheating is okay as long as any identifying information or username is removed/obscured.
- No
Cheat Linkinglinks to or advertisement of cheat products.
clarifying this rule
- Do not post or advertise your Referral Code for Star Citizen. Use the referral code randomizer (link).
There are a few options here. The current link leads to: but we can also link to I’m fine with leaving it as is, having multiple options, or changing it. I’m just curious if the community has an opinion one way or another.
No Cryptocurrency/NFT discussion.
redundant rule, falls under rule 1.
Don’t intentionally be disruptive.
redundant rule, falls under Rule 1.
- When posting video links, please include a short description in the post, titles aren’t always descriptive enough
No AI generated content. AI generated images or chatGPT text content will be removed as “low effort” content. Please do not post AI generated content on this community.
Not enough content here for this to be a problem, we can always reinstate this rule, or limit it to only be allowed on specific days.
I’m only familiar with the randomizer but if both are legit then either is fine. Other than that these seem like good changes.
As for the rule 2 I agree that simple is best. If someone can act like a decent human being they will do so without being forced, if they can’t on the other hand, no amount of clarifications will matter - all it’ll do is make them try to play a lawyer and look for remaining unwritten “loopholes”. Just don’t be afraid to make use of your mod powers if need be, it’s the best way to keep the place the way you want it to be.
Some of my own ideas (I’ll update this if I come up with anything else):
I do have to say though, reading this post using dark lemmy theme was not a pleasant experience (not your fault obviously).
Thanks! I’ll take a look at incorporating your feedback.
I like the idea of including something about the spirit of the law.
I agree with the short description for video posts (although I’m probably at fault myself for not doing this at least a few times), so unless there are others opposed to this we can add this in.
I definitely want to add in more useful links. I’d also like to include a current list of what to do/avoid to avoid the worst bugs in Star Citizen. Things like “Don’t Alt+F4 in your hangar”, “Don’t leave your hangar while your ship is in the process of being stored”, etc.
I took another pass at formatting, the other UIs I used definitely didn’t look that bad. Working with code blocks isn’t ideal, but it is useful for inline commenting at least.
If you’re planing a “do/don’ts” list we could as well come up with a general FAQ to cover the most important aspects of the project. These things are always useful.