I started using Summit a week or two ago, and I really like it. It’s a great Lemmy app. But I notice my phone’s battery life has taken a hit since then.
According to battery usage, I’ve been using Summit slightly more than the Reddit app, but Summit has consumed much more battery.
I have this exact issue. My phone gets very hot and drains battery like crazy. Using graphene OS on Android 15 on a pixel 9
One other thing. It looks like Graphene OS does not come pre-installed with Google Play Services. Summit uses Crashlytics for crash reporting which is part of Firebase which uses Google Play Services. I wonder if this is causing issues. You can also try disabling Firebase within the app. To do so go to Settings > Logging > Log crashes to Google Firebase. Let me know if this helps.
Will do!
That actually seem to work! It is still a bit hotter, but not nearly as hot as before. So there might still be something else here. Thank you! <3
If you use the app heavily your phone warming up a little is expected but it probably shouldnt get “hot”. Please do monitor for total battery usage and see if it’s still problematic.
After some usage, it seems like it still drains the battery as before. Is there anything else I can do to assist in debugging?
Yes! There has been two major developments in efficiency recently. In v1.58.3 a lot of changes were made to optimize the performance of the critical sections of the app. In v1.58.4 more changes were made to optimize network calls in the critical sections of the app. I will try to remember to update this thread once v1.58.4 is fully rolled out. Once it goes it I will need your help in testing that release. Hopefully that release will put a dent in the battery usage.
Thank you, I will gladly help out where I can <3
The release should be out now
Well, sad news, the problem persists.
So the phone seem to be getting quite hot in the feed only and after a few pages.
I have filtered out a bunch of communitys, can that possibly be part of the problem? That it somehow enda up in an endless loop when trying to filter out and fetch?
Amazing! I just installed it, will try it out and monitor
Will do, thank you again
Just to rule this out, can you check if you have any pending actions that are retrying? You can check by going to You > Your actions > Pending actions tab. This tab should be empty.
No worries, I checked and I did not. That tab is empty. Let me know if there is anything else you want me to check. Also, thank you for everything, I really love this app!
Yeah, I’m getting the heat too.
If it’s so bad that your phone is literally heating up by having the app open, it points to an infinitely loop within the app. The only issue is I cannot reproduce anything like it so this infinitely loop must be some rare case. I just have no idea what the case is :/