Wasn’t there a massive new weapon developed by those scientists that ran away? One that changed the course of history?
I don’t know man history seems the same to me.
Greetings from Portugal where I’m looking at towns to move to, coming from California. The people are lovely here, and super kind if you make an effort to speak Portuguese. The language, especially the pronunciation, is very difficult coming from English. I recommend Pimsleur audio tapes, so you can hear natives speak and learn the accent. Do NOT learn Brazilian Portuguese and expect it’s “close enough,” other than for vocabulary. Anki has great vocab decks as well.
Can confirm. Brazilian portuguese is my native language, I can barely understand Portuguese from Portugal
I am moving in October and I am currently learning the language and can confirm it is very difficult especially if you know any Spanish. I am using a paid app called Practice Portuguese and I am finding it very helpful for a language dummy like myself.
In case people wonder about the bull.
The Dictionary of Classical Mythology explains that Zeus was enamoured of Europa and decided to seduce or rape her, the two being near-equivalent in Greek myth. He transformed himself into a tame white bull and mixed in with her father’s herds. While Europa and her helpers were gathering flowers, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and ran to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete.
A lot of them will probably move to Canada since the culture and language (outside Quebec) is the same but politics are more progressive, British-Colombia is already working on simplifying the process.
Always follow the lady in a French dress I always say …
I thought the nazis did a lot of science
They could’ve done a lot more had they not killed or scared away all of their non-aryan, non-nazi scientists, the most famous example being Albert Einstein, a German Jew who was able to make it to America before things got too dicy in Nazi Germany. But there are many, many more examples.
They did… but rejected all ‘non-ayran’ science.