Orange site cites the smartest people in the world when it comes to using chemical weapons against protestors
Mind elaborating? The arguments in sibling comments seem to be some variant of “avoid escalating to more dangerous chemical agents”. I don’t see how that’s relevant to protests. Are we seriously expecting the protesters to escalate to mustard gas because the police used tear gas?
shut the fuck up Saddam Hussein
regardless, i think that existence of LRAD is a valid reason for a civilian to own antitank weapons and that Vucic government should be destroyed
and yeah, excessive use of force by police is kinda the big part of the reason why protests are going on for so long in the first place. what a braindead take
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron.”
Ok I read more of that thread. Why do these fucks feel the need to steelman tear gas?
Shielded from people with these kinds of debates would affect, it is all just entertainment for them, and it is very important that their ‘this feels logically inconsistent’ is validated with people agreeing with them that it is logically inconsistent. And they think that when people go ‘wtf is wrong with you’ this actually means they are logically right and they feel superior. I blame youtube for this specific fall of Rome (I’m joking, this is just a big example of it, and it lead to a few of his fans spread over the internet to try and debate that shit (which via the ‘wtf is wrong with you’ method above prob lead to them to getting further into debate culture using a similar method as religious cults going door to door)).
E: this is in addition to what Amoeba Girl said btw. Some of them just want “economic prisoners with jobs” to code for them
You don’t want the workers to revolt. They don’t even know how to code.
The US deploys tear gas against protestors on the reg. Meanwhile they straight up merc’d MLK. Clearly the US thought MLK was worse than tear gas, so not sure what point the OP was trying to make.