Things have been going well in the beehive! All my bees stay busy constantly upkeeping the absolute absurd amount of electronics in my hive, keeping my yayo reserves high to continue financing the colony or taking care of my hoard of aerofleets (which started with just a single aero fleet). Overall this build has been an absolute blast, although steel became my main hurdle in this contest, I was able to continue trucking on mainly through the wonderful SRTS mod which enabled me trade my mountain of drugs for all the steel and components I needed. I stayed true to the layout as best as I could although it did lead me to have 2 useless rooms, the food material storage and the throne room. Special shout out to Dub’s paint shop mod which allowed me to paint my base the colors to give it the beehive feel I was looking to emulate!
That time between wood and steel must have been nail-biting
Steel burns as well, you know that, right?
Only if i build skyscrapers