Electricians are here and are working in the unfinished attic over my head. I keep imaging dust raining down, or worse. My cat has developed a 1000 yard stare probably picturing 180lb squirrels walking across our rafters.
We’ve also hit out first unexpected snag. Hopefully first and only.
Super nice guys though, I feel bad for how often they keep getting hurt in my imagination.
That won’t do much. You have to put a hornet nest prop(or inactive specimen) or a realistic stuffed raccoon right near the entrance to the attic that is in a defensive pose.
I almost fell off a ladder when I pushed up the hatch and my flashlight swept across a dummy hornet nest meant to dissuade actual hornets from nesting. I had a great laugh when I went to get a photo of the giant “hornet nest” to show the client and came to understand the reality.