Up to about 10 years ago I was a lukewarm Lutheran.
But realizing I had stopped believing this and that over the years and had come to a point were I didn’t believe any of it.
Since then I have been mostly an atheist.
Mostly meaning one of my main hobbies since then if you can call it that has been faith, ideology, spirituality and religion.
I have looked around at meditation, mindfulness, Buddhism, Paganism, Witchcraft, and other paths of Christianity while still greatly enjoying Christopher Hitchens debates on YouTube.
Still not a Believer in anything. I simply find peoples faiths or lack of fascinating.
So people who have made a similar journey to mine and took it one step further and became Christian again, what convinced you?
Well, I’ll agree and go a step further. We have to find a way to meet the universe halfway. But basically I agree with most of what you said.