Evidently nobody remembers the last regular tree we got here, when I unilaterally decided to allow non-cannabis trees. Shrubs on the other hand will earn the poster a 3-day ban.
Further comparisons to reddit will also earn a 3-day ban. That place sucks and this place is rad. Don’t @ me.
Evidently nobody remembers the last regular tree we got here, when I unilaterally decided to allow non-cannabis trees. Shrubs on the other hand will earn the poster a 3-day ban.
Further comparisons to reddit will also earn a 3-day ban. That place sucks and this place is rad. Don’t @ me.
Sounds like someone needs to smoke some trees and chillax.
I’m not really going to censor talking about reddit but shrubs are bullshit, I’ll die on that hill
Fair enough
Sure, pretend like our common history doesnt exist, thats the American way!