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    13 hours ago

    You haven’t provided an example of a “country” where the regime does the same shit as Zelensky.

    Show me videos of masked ““people”” with rifles grabbing, beating and forcing people into vans to send them to the meatgrinder on a daily basis.

      13 hours ago

      There are other similarly developed countries under siege with which we can compare?

      Organized wartime defense is a lot more complex than kidnapping a bunch of people and sending them in the general direction of the front. That isn’t how any of this works.

      I know of one country that’s behind the agression… And one that probably IS using such tactics, considering their battlefield results. One which could stop at any time under no threat to its own sovereignty.

      I honestly cannot comprehend your failure to realize that wartime and peacetime standards of government differ more than a little, or that your understanding of the situation is superficial at best.

      That goes for all of us, unless you happen to be an actual commanding officer on either side of the conflict?

        12 hours ago

        There are other similarly developed countries under siege with which we can compare?

        So there are no similar cases and we can at least agree that atrocities being commited by Zelensky’s regime are unprecedented in modern times. Well that’s something already.

        And one that probably IS using such tactics

        Oh come on, be serious please. The west supports Ukraine almost as much as it hates Russia. And yet even western medias are writing about kidnapping in Ukraine and not in Russia. If it was happening in Russia - medias would not be able to stop writing about it.

        or that your understanding of the situation is superficial at best

        Yeah it is indeed hard for me to understand how people support me and everybody I know getting kidnapped, beaten and killed, despite us never doing anything bad to you (except of course not dying protecting your geopolitical interest).

          12 hours ago

          When under attack, countries rescind the freedom and rights of a subset of its population, in order to maintain them for the rest.

          In a democratic country, the laws to do that are created in advance, and the power to wield them assigned through election.

          Everyone hopes they will never be necessary, but we can’t be surprised that when under military invasion, they are used.

          “Meatgrinder” effectively illustrates the pointlessness of war, but you are using it as if to dismiss the fact that sustaining that same “meatgrinder” is the only reason the country of Ukraine still exists.

          I’m Finnish. I am watching everything that happens in Ukraine as something that might happen to my country, and to me personally. In a paralell universe, Ukraine is at peace, and we’re the ones suffering a pointless “special military operation”. If Putin was smart, and looked to the future, going for our lithium reserves would have made a lot more sense than the fossil fuel resources of Ukraine. (Then again, rare earth minerals are present in Ukraine, too)

          And you misunderstand me. I do not want you dead. I do not want you fighting for me. I do not “support” war.

          But I understand the systems and mechanisms of a nation, which maintain its existense. The standards of a peacetime government can only be so high, because maintaining them does not risk trading in the existence of the nation that is upholding them.

          Should there be a trial afterwards, investigating sacrifices that were obviously pointless? Absolutely.

          And is there a point where the sacrifice is no longer worth it in comparison to surrender? To this, I have no answer.

          I would probably trade in my country, to see my friends and family spared. But I am a lot less certain that would result in a better world afterwards.

            11 hours ago

            “Meatgrinder” effectively illustrates the pointlessness of war, but you are using it as if to dismiss the fact that sustaining that same “meatgrinder” is the only reason the country of Ukraine still exists.

            It absolutely would, and would be extremely better off than it is now, what are you talking about?
            The reason behind a need for kidnappings is that (well, among other reasons, but that’s the biggest one of course) Zelensky wanted to join NATO. NATO recently said that Ukraine will not join. So the war was pointless to such a ridiculous degree that I don’t have words to express it. It led to loss of people, territories, infrastructure and everything else and gained absolutely nothing (except billions stolen by the regime and huge debt of course). It was, and still is, all Zelensky’s choice.

            Anyway, nothing justifies what Zelensky does. Russia is literally liberating the people under Zelensky’s regime. If I stayed in Ukraine (on Zelensky controlled territory) I would be his slave and maybe already dead. If I was on territory liberated by Russia on the other hand - I would be no less free than I was before/am now. What you are describing as “being ‘conquered’ by Russia” is absolutely a preferential scenario to living under Zelensky’s regime (supported by “free and democratic” “world”) that is going to kill you.

              11 hours ago

              It absolutely would, and would be extremely better off than it is now, what are you talking about?

              That is a discussion with no resolution. Like I said, I don’t know where the point is, when sacrifice become worse than surrender.

              Particularly because both are unknowable quantities.

              You seem to consider the matter from a purely personal perspective, which is perfectly valid, but will of course result in different conclusions than someone who cares about what changes it would mean for society, and the state of the world. And you obviously view Russia a lot more favorably than I do. I’m not interested in changing your mind there.

              For what it’s worth, I don’t think the western world should tolerate any of this. I think Ukraine should have been admitted into NATO, immediately, and for article 5 to have been retroactively shoved up Putin’s ass before this ever got out of hand.

              I think, that in similar fashion to Russia, the western world has the power to end the conflict tomorrow, and is failing to do so.

                9 hours ago

                That is a discussion with no resolution. Like I said, I don’t know where the point is, when sacrifice become worse than surrender.

                So maybe the people that are actually affected should be able decide that (as opposed to a single dictator with western support)? Currently, thanks to western support of Zelensky, the only way people can “decide” anything is by doing a violent revolution against the regime, which would not have a good chance of success due to weapon supplies to Zelensky’s regime. Or by individually resisting/killing “draft “officers”” and bombing ““recruitment centers””… Which people already do but on a small scale so it doesn’t change the big picture…

                You seem to consider the matter from a purely personal perspective

                What do you mean exactly here? I left Ukraine before the war started, so from “personal perspective” I am actually safe (unless Zelensky manages to convince other countries to send back his cannon fodder…). I am considering this from the perspective of people (among whom my family and friends) who still live under Zelensky’s regime. Who are nothing more than slaves, cannon fodder for Zelensky and his supporters.

                And you obviously view Russia a lot more favorably than I do.

                FWIW I don’t consider Russia a good/bad country. I only speak of it in comparison to Ukraine, where it is objectively better and more free.

                  8 hours ago

                  Let me put it like this.

                  You are offended by a leader that sends his people to die in defense. As you should be. Such a thing is horrifying.

                  What I do not understand, is your preference for a leader guilty of the very same crime, but for the difference that he sends people to die, in offense.

                  If Ukraine surrenders, this will all happen again the next time Putin would like some more territory.

                  And then, you and the people you care about, would be subject to the very same danger that current citizens of russia are. If not even moreso.

                  Why would Putin sacrifice from his pools of supporters, when he can conscript from newly conquered territory, amassing a force to take the next slice of Europe that tickles his fancy?

                  Maybe you’ll be sent to fight us finns?

                    8 hours ago

                    What I do not understand, is your preference for a leader guilty of the very same crime, but for the difference that he sends people to die, in offense.

                    Do you see a difference between people being kidnapped off the streets and sent to die (Ukraine) and people being paid to join the army (Russia) (basically just a high risk job)?
                    I don’t know why are you even comparing those two scenarios…

                    If Ukraine surrenders, this will all happen again the next time Putin would like some more territory.

                    This is a speculation.

                    And then, you and the people you care about, would be subject to the very same danger that current citizens of russia are. If not even moreso.

                    Why would Putin sacrifice from his pools of supporters, when he can conscript from newly conquered territory?

                    What is this danger? Tell me more about it. Is it the danger of being able to leave the country at any moment? Is it the danger of not being kidnapped off the street and instead being offered a voluntary contract to join army?

                  8 hours ago

                  You got out. You made your decision. You were able to decide to begin with. A lot of people don’t have that option, and that means someone is making decisions for them. I’m not saying that’s a good thing.

                  But AGAIN, democracy is not a tenable ideal in wartime.

                  It is a peacetime luxury, often flawed in implementation even then. Frequently too far away from a meritocracy to function efficiently.

                  You keep bringing it up as if there’s some kind of hypocrisy happening, because you see “democratic” people supporting dictatorship.

                  But decisionmaking during wartime isn’t something you can just “call a vote” on. Democracy doesn’t work under siege. That’s the whole reason basically every democratic government has the alternate operating mode of martial law, complete with legal systems written up a ready to go.

                  By personal perspective, I mean exactly that which you are talking about. You, what your situation would be like if you were still there, what it is like right now for the people you care about personally.

                  Like I said, I would probably trade in my country for those same people, too.

                  But I’m not sure I could live with it. I care about other things, many of which being a subject of the current Russian state would make it dangerous for me to care about.