Most British shows, so Peep Show, Fleabag, etc. There’s even Episodes, which makes fun of this all in a very meta story about a British show being adapted to American audiences and requiring only hot people for the new version.
European shows in general. Nordic Netflix shows usually have more realistic looks than US ones, even if they are a bit less “gross/unkempt” than some british ones.
Most British shows, so Peep Show, Fleabag, etc. There’s even Episodes, which makes fun of this all in a very meta story about a British show being adapted to American audiences and requiring only hot people for the new version.
European shows in general. Nordic Netflix shows usually have more realistic looks than US ones, even if they are a bit less “gross/unkempt” than some british ones.
Yes, Minister is populated by an awful lot of people that are quite average in appearance.
Sir Humphrey is a stone cold smokeshow , with the brains to match.
And don’t even get me started on Sir Arnold.
Agreed on the UK shows. The IT Crowd, Black Books, etc
Peep Show wouldn’t work if Jez and Mark were sorta, well-together.