After Molly Kochan (Michelle Williams) receives a diagnosis of Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, she leaves her husband and explores the full breadth and complexity of her sexual desires for the first time in her life.
People with stage 4 METS breast cancer aren’t looking for sex. My mom had aleft breast the size of a watermelon with fungating lesions opening all over it for around 6 months. She was in tremendous pain, and was sick from constant medication. She died in pain and without her sanity. Metastatic cancer isn’t pretty, and it definitely isn’t sexy. This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen advertised.
Changing the dressing on a massive leaking fungating lesion for a weeping and confused person who is losing the ability to swallow or recognize her family is what metastatic, stage 4 breast cancer looks like.
Whoever came up with this shit: Fuck You.