I’m not interested in your random unrelated links. The question is whether people with college educations are more likely to join unions, and the answer to that is yes, and also, I can easily tell from reading the links themselves that they aren’t relevant to that question, troll.
This is what I mean by your expectations that someone else provide you a one on one personal education. I gave you links to the most informative websites on unionization and you can’t be bothered to look past the first page you’re provided.
You claimed it was on the page you linked. You lied. Or more likely, you didn’t know because you didn’t read it either, because you just grabbed a random link so that you could claim to have “provided sources” for the purpose of trolling.
Please provide any source, from them, or anywhere else, supporting your absurd claim that college education discourages union membership.
It’s on the aflcio website as well as the NLRB, I’m sorry if I provided you more information than you wanted at the expense of having to actually read something. Sorry, next time I’ll see if there’s a “for dummies” version or perhaps a sing along.
I didn’t say anything discouraged anything, I said higher education jobs tend to not be union jobs. You know, read or something every once in awhile.
You couldn’t have possibly looked over all of the aflcios educational information. You’re trolling and you’re extremely bad at it.
I’m not interested in your random unrelated links. The question is whether people with college educations are more likely to join unions, and the answer to that is yes, and also, I can easily tell from reading the links themselves that they aren’t relevant to that question, troll.
Unrelated? It’s literally the biggest union and the labor relations board, there isn’t a more relevant source to be had.
Their size has zero relevance to the question of demographics unless they actually provide demographic information on the page you linked.
They do but don’t let reality stop you when your on a roll. You might be rolling to a landfill but you do you boo boo.
Here's screenshots of the page you linked to prove you're just blatantly lying, again.
No demographic information
No demographic information
No demographic information
No demographic information
No demographic information
No demographic information
Use the drop-down bar ya bafoon.
This is what I mean by your expectations that someone else provide you a one on one personal education. I gave you links to the most informative websites on unionization and you can’t be bothered to look past the first page you’re provided.
You claimed it was on the page you linked. You lied. Or more likely, you didn’t know because you didn’t read it either, because you just grabbed a random link so that you could claim to have “provided sources” for the purpose of trolling.
Please provide any source, from them, or anywhere else, supporting your absurd claim that college education discourages union membership.
It’s on the aflcio website as well as the NLRB, I’m sorry if I provided you more information than you wanted at the expense of having to actually read something. Sorry, next time I’ll see if there’s a “for dummies” version or perhaps a sing along.
I didn’t say anything discouraged anything, I said higher education jobs tend to not be union jobs. You know, read or something every once in awhile.