
The Trump administration has frozen $175 million in federal funding to the University of Pennsylvania over its policies allowing trans women to compete in women’s sports.

A senior official said this is “just a taste” of further action, with UPenn at risk of losing all federal funding due to a Title IX investigation.

Trump signed an executive order on February 5 banning trans women from women’s sports, citing fairness and safety concerns.

Advocacy groups are challenging the move, arguing it discriminates against trans athletes.

    7 days ago

    I’m a constitution loving leftist. I’ve never voted red. My brother is trans, and trans rights is particularly important to me.

    But again, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night because it’s simply unconscionable to you that someone can advocate for someone’s rights that doesn’t show up on your “acceptable groups of people” list. It always blows my mind away that people who pretend to be so enlightened think nothing of denying the rights of others when the marginalized groups they pretend to represent know all too well what that feels like.

    Other people don’t stop having rights simply because you do, and vice versa. All rights must be protected, even the ones you find repugnant, or we all lose rights. It’s the foundational cornerstone of our democracy, the constitution, and history.

    But I guess we’ll just gloss over that because I said “other people also have rights” and you interpret that to be transphobic…somehow.

      7 days ago

      So you see your trans brother as ‘genetically’ a woman? I am sure he loves that.

      You know, your brother could have been born with XY chromosomes and a genetic mutation. Your family wouldn’t have discovered the Y chromosome until she went through puberty. And I use she here because that’s how she would have been socialized, and that would have been her sex assigned at birth too. If this was your sibling, would she be genetically male or genetically female?

      And nothing in any of your arguments has demonstrated to me that you aren’t for segregation. Not just for myself but also for black people really. You’ve argued that bigots have a right to public spaces where they don’t have to be around folks that they don’t find repugnant. Simply through mob rule. Which is allowing the feelings of one group to infringe upon the rights of another. Because hurting your feelings isn’t considered harmful in our culture. While exclusion from public spaces and activities is.

      Which shows to me that you don’t understand what a human right is or where they came from when our constitution was written. The founders believed in natural rights, they wrote the bill of rights to ensure that certain rights were never infringed upon. They are enumerated but not exhaustive.

      For the state or mob to infringe upon the rights of the individual, there needs to be demonstrated a government interest in keeping the community safe. Little girls aren’t getting ran over by genetic males on the soccer field. So there is no public interest here, only political ambitions and the feels of bigots.

      And just so we’re clear, your language is a repetition of those neoliberal and right-wing talking points above.

      Trans healthcare and hormones are very nuanced, a child could be put on puberty blockers and in the Presidents opinion be genetically male. Even though it is very easy to demonstrate that that child is not a danger to the well-being of any of the other children on the field.

      Yes, bigots have a right to their opinion, we don’t police thoughts obviously or speech, or at least we try not to. But that does not give them the right to tell children that they can’t play sports without demonstrating how doing so is depriving other children of their right to play sports in a safe environment.

      So, now that I am calmer, I hope I have explained to you well enough why essentially everyone is disagreeing with you and downvoting you in this comment thread. Please look in the mirror and do some self-crit if you are indeed a leftist.

        7 days ago

        My brother, born a woman, transitioned. The only one that has called him a woman has been you and if you were standing in front of me I would have already made your face completely flat for it. You have this so incredibly backwards it’s actually fucked up to watch. You don’t know me. You only know what you’ve convinced yourself that you know about me which is absolutely nothing.

        The one who shows they don’t know what human rights are, is you. Human rights are not universal. They change from country to country. Countries literally sit down and vote on what they believe is and is not a human right.

        Almost everything that you’ve said in any of your replies start to finish has been fucked up, a misunderstanding on your behalf, or a complete and total fabrication.

        People have a constitutional right to the freedom of expression. If a bigot wants to protest black people in a public place they have every right to do that. That’s not me defending their actions that’s me literally pointing out that they have the right to do that and you do not have the right to take that right away from them simply because you have disagree with it. I’m so sick and tired of watching little children like yourself run around and act like they’re such forward-thinkers and they’re so pro-rights while simultaneously not acknowledging that even people you disagree with have rights.

        You’re not half as good a person as you think you are, you’re absolutely not as open-minded as you believe yourself to be and you’re probably less than a third as smart as you think you are.

          6 days ago

          All I did was flip around your wording and apply it to your brother. I guess trans men are real men, and trans women like myself are still ‘genetically men’. More right-wing brain worms.

          Anyway, I’m done engaging. Take care.