Yeah. My parents live in a rural area and coverage has been abysmal for years. They barely even get 4G/LTE signal outside the house. They see ads promising them more speed and more coverage but in reality, it’s going the opposite way for them. And they don’t understand it at all.
Now that the telcos are turning off the 3G network soon in that region, it’s going to be even worse. And because there’s not a lot of people in that rural region, it’s not worth it for the cell companies to improve anything.
They rolled out 5G and all we got was this lousy Havana Syndrome.
Don’t get me started on Xfinity “10G”.
Dear God how shitty is that. “We never said it was ten gig you stupid moron”. We just took a fairly standard industry term and flipped it around.
Marketing and advertising assholes, they ruin everything.
You’re not being lied to, people just don’t know what 5G is.
Only mmW is 5G. When you see “5G” on your phone, it’s Gen5 network over 4G LTE, which is not 5G. It’s a nomenclature issue. No one is being lied to.
mmW is 5G. Everything else is 4G even though it’s advertised on your phone as 5G–because it’s a Gen5 network over 4G LTE. And if it sounds confusing, yeah. It is. Which is why they just call it 5G and 5G UWB (actual 5G). Because most people would be so fucking confused its not worth it.
5g is the capabilities, LTE is the protocol. the frequency band is a parenthetical.
afaik mmW is FR2
5G FR1 is sub x-band microwave
Again, this is a nomenclature thing.
You’re correct. mmW exclusively deals with the frequency range of the Gen5 network. But Gen5 networks are branded as 5G. mmW is branded as 5G. Gen5 over 4G LTE is branded as 5G…
No it’s a consumer rights issue. It’s intentionally vague to mislead consumers. End of story
No, it’s a nomenclature issue and continually proves that technologists are bad at naming things: