No. When you create something that gets used for propaganda, you have three choices - speak out, stay silent, or support it. None of those options are apolitical.
I think you’ll see a combination of 2 and 3 out of agency leadership. #3 whenever possible, #2 if supporting Trump’s statement would touch off internal protests.
I think the overriding objective right now is to protect the workforce and I think the leadership in place is willing to do what it takes to achieve that goal. I don’t know if the workforce is willing to see the kind of pandering that will likely require, and I’m not sure even a maximum pandering platform will work.
One way or the other I think the agency may be fucked.
Being non-partisan is predicated on being independent.
Rebuking attacks on sovereignty and the ability to express your own truth is not partisanship, it’s self defense.