Several companies have this now, but not in the US. For some reason the regulations don’t allow it. Auto high beams can only go off and on, no zones. My car has the capability but it’s software limited to comply with US laws. I guess it’s cheaper to make them all the same and limit them than make different ones for the US market. There was supposed to be a change to the laws that allowed it in '22 but they fucked it up. If they ever fix the regulations it can be turned on with a software update.
I wouldn’t hold my breath and regulations getting “fixed” in any way… But maybe they’ll just eliminate all the regulations and we can use frickin’ laser beams for headlights if we want.
Several companies have this now, but not in the US. For some reason the regulations don’t allow it. Auto high beams can only go off and on, no zones. My car has the capability but it’s software limited to comply with US laws. I guess it’s cheaper to make them all the same and limit them than make different ones for the US market. There was supposed to be a change to the laws that allowed it in '22 but they fucked it up. If they ever fix the regulations it can be turned on with a software update.
I wouldn’t hold my breath and regulations getting “fixed” in any way… But maybe they’ll just eliminate all the regulations and we can use frickin’ laser beams for headlights if we want.