Oh no! Fossilesque I hope your research is safe.
Currently at the Australian National University.
This is too real.
lmao I unironically got this from someone down under. I heard about that.
In the UK the University of Dundee is seemingly approaching meltdown.
There’s a cliff next year across UK, it is not going to be pretty. You are going to see a lot of merging, collapses and stuff next year. Brexit really destroyed a lot and now it is really coming home to roost. It was the professors that left first, now the students, nearly 4 years on the dot. It is not a coincidence. I saw the school turn homogenous, and a lot of the life left after Brexit. It was depressing to see so many cool people leave. We got announced that we have to lower internal costs by a third next year (I won’t be here). The US is just a dumpster fire on that front for obvious reasons. From what I hear, unis in Aus are also having trouble. This is a wider problem though.
I’ve been enjoying the AFR articles on the VC. I got out just in time I think.
Ah yes I too enjoy the American family radio articles on venture capitalists.
It’s crazy. I’m expecting a bunch of forced academic redundancies in April/May. I don’t expect her to last a full term, but she will take a lot of others out on the way.
Which example are we referring to here? Sad that this needs to be narrowed-down.
Hospital administrators do the same thing