that shits tasty
If you want something with a vaguely similar texture and taste – it’s up to the reader to determine if this is similarly awful, or similarly “good” – Spree candies are close. Including the pronounced grittiness, although Spree have a smooth candy shell as well.
im only familiar with the smooth sprees. if ‘sweet tarts’ were a little more granular, that would be it
Are they actually vitamins?
Always thought they were E
Bad idea. Its possible to OD on vitamins. Look up some of the medical cases. There was a recent immigrant family to the USA that didn’t fully grasp English yet. On a supermarket shopping trip the child saw gummy vitamins and wanted them. Mom bought them for the kid thinking they were candy. Kid liked them so much he asked for them again. Those became a regular snack for the kid with the kid eating a whole bottle in a week or less. This went on for months on end. The impact to the kid’s physiology wasn’t pretty. Look up the case yourself if you want the details.
At least with Flintstones, we know there’s no candy version today so if you’re eating them you know you’re eating vitamins.
Making a candy version and vitamins at the same time blurs that line possibly causing harm.In your example, if gummy candy wasn’t sold in the US, the exact same thing would’ve happened. It’s more to do with vitamin packaging.
How would you recommend showing the product to a parent that might be looking for vitamins their child is willing to consume without actually showing the product that could be confused as candy?
Took me a few reads to get it
Who wouldn’t want candy from the producer of RoundUp?!