In a scattershot pattern that now extends from coast to coast, continental US states have been announcing new hotspots of chronic wasting disease (CWD).

The contagious and always-fatal neurodegenerative disorder infects the cervid family that includes deer, elk, moose and, in higher latitudes, reindeer. There is no vaccine or treatment.

      14 hours ago

      I’m not a hunter. But I do understand a lot about environmental conservation and the need for balance. We have eliminated enough of the animals that predate on deer such that some other means, ie hunters, are required to control deer populations. The other option is mass kills, which strike me as wasteful on so many levels.

      When I lived in Vermont, there was a conservation movement to attract younger people to deer hunting because natural controls just aren’t there anymore. Where I live now, a distemper outbreak decimated the coyotes, and the deer are out of control. The coyotes are finally bouncing back, but it’s going to take a while. In my small city, the deer are so rampant, it’s common to see dozens on a short bike ride through town. Their food supply is depleted enough such that most deer here appear unhealthy and undernourished. The exploded deer population have follow-on effects: increased expense for deer control measures, collisions (one almost slammed into me on my bike two days ago; not the first time), destruction of plantings to control erosion, and spreading ticks.

      I would like to see prospering wild animal populations, rather than this mess we made.