A nice 1-minute profile about Aonishiki made by NHK.
I am a new sumo fan and get 90% of my content from NHKs grand sumo highlights reel they put out every day of the Basho. I’ve also watched a few other of their YouTube videos (not sumo) and they are well produced and interesting.
I see Ozeki material in him more than I do Shi Shi (sorry everyone in advance lol)
Oh man Aonishiki has been a revelation. I kinda expected he’d be bounced right back to Juryo and have to work his way up again, but he’s got his kachi-koshi and is near the top in the leaderboard. But so far he’s only fought people in the lower half of Makuuchi; in a couple hours he goes up against Daieisho, a sekiwake. I think that’s the first time he’s fought someone that high-ranking, right? But even if he loses, he’s young and skilled and seems to know Japanese (important for building a fan club?) I’m just hoping he doesn’t get injured. Wish I could watch it live, but I don’t think I’m gonna make it…
I’m still gonna be a Shishi loyalist tho, if only bc he kinda looks like one of my uncles!
Yea, I didn’t really think he would do much either, but what I’ve seen of him so far has been exceptionally solid for a lower ranked. He reminds me a little bit of Atamifuji on his come up, but a little more solid imo. Daieisho is a solid skill check so let’s wait and see!
Well, we don’t have to wait any longer!
how it turned out
Funny how Daieisho made it look so easy. He’s like: “I know what you’re gonna do, so I do this instead. See how I’m thinking two steps ahead of you? That’s called experience.” Still, Atamifuji didn’t really do anything all that poorly, he just got outclassed by someone in his prime with a 10 year head start.
Thanks for using the spoiler tag! For some reason NHK didn’t post their video yesterday and left me and my partner in the dark. Thankfully it’s up now so we will be catching up tonight!
NHK didn’t post their video yesterday
Yeah, I noticed that! I think someone in their office messed up. Eventually I realized that although they hadn’t posted it to youtube, they had in fact posted it to their web page! For future reference, you can check here: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/
Thanks for the tip! Yeah I went to their YouTube channel and looked and was very disappointed.
Where do you get your sumo news and watch the bashos usually? I’m Canadian and it’s basically NHK all the way…
Where do you get your sumo news and watch the bashos usually?
- I watch https://www.twitch.tv/midnightsumo for live stuff, I think he’s a fellow Canadian of yours! He livestreams commentary on an Abema stream. it’s nice bc he covers the entire tournament, not just makuuchi.
- There’s also https://www.twitch.tv/karla_sumoist who livestreams on an Abema
- one time when twitch shut down midnightsumo, he livestreamed on a private youtube stream that was advertised on his discord. I haven’t signed in to discord for a year or so tho
- https://tachiai.org/ has some good summaries
- besides that it’s just https://www.youtube.com/@dondonsumo2 and the NHK site for me. oh yeah also https://www.youtube.com/@sumo-video/videos There are others out there ofc.