I shouldn’t be surprised there is an act allowing Big Brother to surreptitiously request data on reporters. Dubs and Dick really stuck it to us over with the Patriot Act and everything that followed.
I don’t see why this doesn’t constitute a constitutional crisis. This is exactly why there is a first amendment.
Yeah… we’ve been well past the point of constitutional crises that never get addressed or even an eye batted toward them for decades lol.
Press freedom has been fucked for so long.
One of the few things I agree with Thomas Jefferson concerning the actual functioning of the US government is that the Constitution should be revisited and updated more often. It would definitely encourage greater awareness of the document and keep many from both (1) having it used as a dogmatic/pseudoreligious excuse to fit into whatever narrative the oligarchs hope to push and (2) failing to enshrine fundamental liberties in a national codex.
As it is, we’re way too far gone for that shit and I think a complete restructuring is in order, which I don’t think will happen in our current union. Gonna take some major change and pain to get there.
That’s why I’m saying we’re way too far gone for that lol I agree. It’s predicated on democratic systems working and those have been broken for a while.
Edit: We’ve been fucked since Marbury v. Madison and the electoral college, but the idea of a less dogmatic approach to the constitution from the get go has its upsides. Way too late for that and I’m thinking in terms of future societies building off of what might have been done better.
I shouldn’t be surprised there is an act allowing Big Brother to surreptitiously request data on reporters. Dubs and Dick really stuck it to us over with the Patriot Act and everything that followed.
I don’t see why this doesn’t constitute a constitutional crisis. This is exactly why there is a first amendment.
Yeah… we’ve been well past the point of constitutional crises that never get addressed or even an eye batted toward them for decades lol.
Press freedom has been fucked for so long.
One of the few things I agree with Thomas Jefferson concerning the actual functioning of the US government is that the Constitution should be revisited and updated more often. It would definitely encourage greater awareness of the document and keep many from both (1) having it used as a dogmatic/pseudoreligious excuse to fit into whatever narrative the oligarchs hope to push and (2) failing to enshrine fundamental liberties in a national codex.
As it is, we’re way too far gone for that shit and I think a complete restructuring is in order, which I don’t think will happen in our current union. Gonna take some major change and pain to get there.
Trump would love that…
That’s why I’m saying we’re way too far gone for that lol I agree. It’s predicated on democratic systems working and those have been broken for a while.
Edit: We’ve been fucked since Marbury v. Madison and the electoral college, but the idea of a less dogmatic approach to the constitution from the get go has its upsides. Way too late for that and I’m thinking in terms of future societies building off of what might have been done better.