In a stellar example of news that will not fucking shock any of us, Good ol’ Tyrus during one of his Fox News appearances stated his intent to assault his own children should they ever share their preferred pronouns with him.
And he will probably continue to hold the NWA belt for another year and receive a big bonus lmao.
I never understood the way people are anti trans by saying they need to protect kids and then advocate straight up child abuse.
And by the way, this behaviour from Tyrus is the exact same behaviour that came from Leelah Alcorn’s parents which led to her death - and these people never learn.
People who say teachers and parents shouldn’t be open about letting their kids express themselves never experienced what life was like growing up trans but not knowing it because your only exposure to trans people were transphobic movies and tv shows in the 90s.
Because it’s not really about protecting kids. It’s about protecting themselves from things that confuse and frighten them.
They are willing to use violence to make sure they never have to make the effort to understand someone or something, even against their own kids.
I never understood the way people are anti trans by saying they need to protect kids and then advocate straight up child abuse.
It’s because they’re cunts.
I have absolutely no time for transphobes - trans rights are human rights - but the absolute ball of knots transphobes have got themselves tied up in over pronouns - to the extreme position where I’ve seen people claim that pronouns are somehow exclusive to transpeople - is fucking hilarious, and rather terrifying.
As you point out, he already uses his preferred pronouns when talking about himself.
What a tool, I feel sorry for his kids.
These people are fucking ridiculous. 99% of them being loon evangelical conservatives is also ironic, especially when they hit you with:
“i AiNt UsInG tHeM QuEeR pRoNoUnS, gOd DoEsNt LiKe ThAt ShIt!1!”
Meanwhile, John 18:6 - Jesus: “I am he” lmao.
And this is why I don’t watch NWA.
Fuck this guy, and fuck Billy for trying to ride his coattails.
Honest question: Has NWA even been relevant since Cody won their title at All In?
Either way, now I have even more reason not to support them.
The first season of Powerrr had some positive buzz. The shine wore off pretty quickly though.
I use to watch Powerrr but yeah it fell off hard. Only reason to watch now is Jeannacide.
I’d go so far as to say when Cody won the belt at All In, the title was relevant, but I wouldn’t let any of that praise settle down onto Billy or anything he did besides saying “Yeah sounds good” to the booking decision.
But in a less round-about way: No not really. They were making some motions in the pre-to-early-pandemic (my time frames are skewed due to the pandemic lasting eleventy-hundred years…) and getting some viewers, but then…issues…and more issues… Then 99% of their talent who had talent like Rosa, Starks etc jumped ship to greener pastures leaving behind the ‘What the fuck we can gets’ that draw nothing and Billy thinks hes serving up prime rib lol.
To be fair I loved them during the original Powerrr days (when it aired before Dark on Youtube) but kinda tuned out after the Cornette incident.
And taking themselves off Youtube and paywalling the content didn’t help.
I think Cody vs Aldis was about their names and less about NWA. I don’t recall they went much into the promotion, itself, just the history between Aldis and Cody.
Honestly surprised Billy Corgan doesn’t try and bring in Ronnie Radke. He’s perfect for the NWA; transphobic and a garbage singer.
I feel like Billy wouldn’t let another singer get the spotlight while he’s around.
First off, you guys have done a phenomenal job explaining why trans rights = human rights. Honestly, you guys fucking rock.
Secondly, Billy Corgan has been a dipshit since the ’90’s. I’ve genuinely disliked this man since early elementary school and he’s given me nothing but more reasons to dislike him.
I completely agree. Not marginalizing people is literally the easiest part of my day. I’m tired of people pulling this bigoted shit when there are REAL problems facing the world today.
Since we’re hinting at our ages… I’ve hated Smashing Pumpkins since I was in high school and MTV played that damn “Tonight, Tonight” song to fucking death.
That last part is so true. I wish politicians would stop giving a shit about how people find happiness and start worrying about improving their happiness.
I was gonna jokingly link that song but I couldn’t after seeing Billy’s douchey face in the thumbnail. I really dislike that guy. He’s always been a bullshit artist. His whole “artsy goth” act was nothing more than a wrestling gimmick. He has resting smug-douche face and the eyes of a soulless reptile.
I’m doing everything I can not to write three paragraphs on why he sucks.
D’arcy has always been > Billy :)
lol Best part of SP was D’arcy. Definitely.
Also slightly off-topic but: I just for the first time ever pulled up the NWA website because I had the thought “Well…wait a minute, who the fuck is even on their roster now-a-days besides the Fuckasaurus??”
Fucking website doesn’t even seem to have a profile section unless if I am incredibly blind. Only ‘big’ pro wrestling company in the world I know of that doesn’t list their workers. Says a few things about the calibre of CAW-mode-talent they stock I guess lol.
It’s odd but they don’t see to have ever had one according to the web archive. Though I’d imagine that turnover was high in the beginning (of the Corgan era) and it probably hasn’t gotten better.