How Cloudflare uses generative AI to slow down, confuse, and waste the resources of AI Crawlers and other bots that don’t respect “no crawl” directives.
then don’t ask for that version, dear. I did say ‘by request’, as a way to mix up a conversation I assumed both the person I was speaking to and myself have already had multiple times.
Not who you responded to but yeah I want to hear a drug fuelled rant I don’t even care what topic
Not the one you responded to but how about the tiredness-fuelled rant that I replied to the other person with.
then don’t ask for that version, dear. I did say ‘by request’, as a way to mix up a conversation I assumed both the person I was speaking to and myself have already had multiple times.
This is the most boring drug fuelled rant I’ve heard in my life
you haven’t, but it would be. that’s why I offered to add the drugs.