Yes and no. The game is great and improved A LOT (especially on the technical front) but the sheer amount of updates poured into NMS by Hello Games is on another level (and I write this as someone who didn’t really cared about NMS).
If you’re interested but wary about its state then it’s definitely worth it - it’s better and there’s more of it than on launch. If you expect a completely different game however, you might end up disappointed.
Less than you’d think, actually. Granted, I don’t really interact with controversial topics and I try to clarify my position if necessary but over all my experience on fediverse was rather positive in this regards. Even more heated replies from people turned into neutral or friendly conversations when I responded calmly instead of raging back.
If that doesn’t work and someone does misinterpret my words (purposelessly or otherwise) then that’s on them. There’s only so much one can do about these things it’s not really worth worrying about.
Yes and no. The game is great and improved A LOT (especially on the technical front) but the sheer amount of updates poured into NMS by Hello Games is on another level (and I write this as someone who didn’t really cared about NMS).
If you’re interested but wary about its state then it’s definitely worth it - it’s better and there’s more of it than on launch. If you expect a completely different game however, you might end up disappointed.
Yea I don’t mean perfectly like NMS, just in a more general redemption arc kinda sense lol thanks!
Don’t mind me, I just tend to be overly specific to avoid misunderstandings.
And then often get misunderstood anyway, amirite?
Less than you’d think, actually. Granted, I don’t really interact with controversial topics and I try to clarify my position if necessary but over all my experience on fediverse was rather positive in this regards. Even more heated replies from people turned into neutral or friendly conversations when I responded calmly instead of raging back.
If that doesn’t work and someone does misinterpret my words (purposelessly or otherwise) then that’s on them. There’s only so much one can do about these things it’s not really worth worrying about.