Hard past. This looks like a zombies abdominal cavity. It will clog you’re arteries, plus I can smell the meat sweats by just looking at it. I don’t get this fetish.
you just dont have the drive, the determination, to conquer such a beast of a meal
Yeah, if I’m going to look like a sloppy infant by the time I’m half way through it that’s a no-go. And don’t give me the ‘use a knife and fork’ excuse. When utensils are required it ceases being a sandwich/Burger. The same goes for pizza.
'lizbeth! It’s the big one!
I’m not saying I wouldn’t eat it, but it sounds gross.
Peanut butter on burgers is just one of those things that you gotta try. I personally thought it was a strange idea, probably gross… But… I got curious and tried putting some on a bite of a burger… Holy. Shitballs. Comrade. It’s good.
I’m skeptical. Five Guys (a burger chain) has the peanut gimmick and fries it’s fries in peanut oil, which tastes bad to me. Mind ya I’m from Chicago where we have no shortage of actually good burger places with which even they can barely compete enough to squeeze into the suburbs. Again, I’d try one, but…
I’d be down for this if it was sized appropriately to be conveniently held in one hand.
I bet this is delicious but I’m turned off by the size. Its just unwieldy and likely falls apart into a mess.
This is a bad example, but I think the McDonalds double quarter pounder is about as big as a burger should get. Any bigger than that and I’m not likely to order it no matter how good it looks.
Clearly I don’t like to be messy. Lmao
I’m with you on that. Burgers can definitely get too messy sometimes.
A burger that cannot be eaten out of the hand is a faulty design. If I’m supposed to use knife and fork, why put bread on a patty then and build a skyscraper? Doesn’t make sense.
With all the additions can you even taste the difference between bison and cow?
I’m having a difficult time accepting that peanut butter is good on a burger. I guess I should try it.
it sounds weird but once you try it it makes perfect sense. i love peanut butter on burgers. hell i love when they add jelly as well
It’s one of those things you try it and go this has no reason to be as it is. Changed my life that is for sure. I have had PB&J wings to that have been great
There’s a bar near me that has peanut butter raspberry bacon burger and it’s fuckin’ amazing
Peanut Butter Whiskey
Ground beef patty (*) on brioche bun, topped with peanut butter whiskey glaze, raspberry sauce, cheddar cheese, haystack onions, candied bacon and lettuce
Yeah, I would definitely eat that!
It’s okay. But yeah give it a try, you might love it. That’s how I was with a fried egg on a burger
Satay skewers pretty good so, I can accept
Hot Dogs, too
Oh yeah Crif Dogs in NYC have a secret menu item that’s a hot dog with peanut butter and lays original chips. It’s amazing.
Come on! Next, you’re gonna tell me about the delight of peanut butter on pizzas?
…with pineapple!
It works with hot dogs, because of all the salt. Peanuts and salt go really well together. The texture is pretty sketchy though
I guess that’s what all the bacon is for: bacon and peanut butter go well because of the salt plus also texture. I’m not convinced about puting them on a burger though. Bison doesn’t have the texture or saltiness to work here
That’ll put you in a coma just looking at it! Lol
That is probably two days worth of calories.
Calories make me work hard, and die fast. It’ll be a tasty death
Damn, that looks delicious! I would probably die if I ate that, but I would die happy.
How big is your mouth?
A tongue like that must make you a hit with the men or ladies!
A tongue like that must make you a hit with the men and ladies!
Like the char you got on there! Also this is so very American😂
Fucking gross
That thing looks tasty
Solid food photography as well!