I’m a student and it’s going to be another few years before I can get a serious job in the field I’m studying. I’m looking for jobs to do while studying to pay the bills in the meantime. I could go and work as a cashier or something but I’ve been thinking it would be more attractive to pick some sort of skill (eg. being a cook) that I could do to earn money and improve at along the way. Some skill that once mastered pays relatively well. Ideally something intuition-based or hands-on so that I can relax from studying. Any recommendations?

  • TheOubliette@lemmy.ml
    6 days ago

    Start with a non-job so you can study while working. Then get internships relevant to your major once you know your direction.

    A non-job is one with a lot of downtime and where they don’t care if you read. Parking attendant, small movie theater worker, custodian at a place that is well-staffed.