Yep. He is the sole reason we don’t have Universal Healthcare. It was supposed to be one of the options we had to choose from, but he made sure to kill it.
His grave should have a public toilet on top of it.
Almost like the democrats are a party designed to give working class voters something that feels like representation but is purposely sabotaged with malicious actors so that no meaningful progress can be made
Funny how the gop doesn’t have a fetterman, manchin, Lieberman, etc blocking project 2025, supreme court confirmations, post 9/11 bullshit, etc. and somehow manages to always get their agenda pushed through
Funny how the gop comes into office and smashes their agenda through where a single person will derail the democrats. “Oh this thing that will benefit all workers?? So sorry, Krysten sinema said no…” but then elon musk and trump dismantle the government in like 2 months and the democrats are like aw geez.
Murkowski? McCain (specifically thinking about ACA)?
The Republicans have been stopped by their own politicians playing ‘maverick’ before. You forget how little got done in the Senate during Trump’s first turn.
He got 3 Supreme Court justices and an insane amount of court stacking done. He didn’t get everything but he got enough to set the stage for today
Republican “mavericks” are because every once in a while one of them develops a conscience. They get a gay kid or something. Democrat “mavericks” are theater: sinema and fetterman were always class traitors. Anyone looking into their history for even 30 seconds will see that clearly. They are promoted by the party to ensure there will always be some dissent, to make sure there will always be someone that can act as a heel. That way if something like right now is happening they can take the fall. Or if democrats get a commanding lead, they can take the fall again like when sinema and manchin had the role. “Oh sorry, no healthcare, student loan reform, minimum wage increase, etc for you!”
ACA was a joke. Admittedly the pre existing conditions bit amongst a few other regulatory changes were long overdue and very helpful. But ultimately the individual mandate with no financial support was toxic. People who didn’t have insurance weren’t not buying it because they thought it was fun not to. They couldn’t afford it, they were struggling. By forcing them to with penalties for not you created a generation of angry people. Not only did you not fix healthcare; you were financially punishing them for being too poor to buy into the system that you failed to adequately reform. But the increased signups thanks to this penalty system were great for the private insurance industry lobbying buddies that helped influence this bullshit
50 years from now democrats will be remembered for being absolutely spineless at best and more likely for being power hungry and owned by corporate influence
During Biden’s term they got even more judges confirmed. He should have knocked off a few Supremes so he could match him there, but I’m just pointing out that it’s not like Republican terms are particularly productive.
Theres a lot of things biden should have done. And a lot of things he did that he should not have done. He was always unworthy to be president, and the history books won’t be kind.
Remember when Joe Lieberman basically mangled the ACA to ensure profitd for his insurance buddies?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Yep. He is the sole reason we don’t have Universal Healthcare. It was supposed to be one of the options we had to choose from, but he made sure to kill it.
His grave should have a public toilet on top of it.
Yup. Fucking psychopaths and society hasn’t figured out we just need to cull them from power. Sad.
wtf you talkin’ about willis? Society hasn’t figured out to delete fucking facebook and you want them to understand politics?
I’d rather assume society had a chance then no chance. Too each their own lol
I personally think its already just an open air urinal.
Almost like the democrats are a party designed to give working class voters something that feels like representation but is purposely sabotaged with malicious actors so that no meaningful progress can be made
Funny how the gop doesn’t have a fetterman, manchin, Lieberman, etc blocking project 2025, supreme court confirmations, post 9/11 bullshit, etc. and somehow manages to always get their agenda pushed through
Funny how the gop comes into office and smashes their agenda through where a single person will derail the democrats. “Oh this thing that will benefit all workers?? So sorry, Krysten sinema said no…” but then elon musk and trump dismantle the government in like 2 months and the democrats are like aw geez.
Murkowski? McCain (specifically thinking about ACA)?
The Republicans have been stopped by their own politicians playing ‘maverick’ before. You forget how little got done in the Senate during Trump’s first turn.
He got 3 Supreme Court justices and an insane amount of court stacking done. He didn’t get everything but he got enough to set the stage for today
Republican “mavericks” are because every once in a while one of them develops a conscience. They get a gay kid or something. Democrat “mavericks” are theater: sinema and fetterman were always class traitors. Anyone looking into their history for even 30 seconds will see that clearly. They are promoted by the party to ensure there will always be some dissent, to make sure there will always be someone that can act as a heel. That way if something like right now is happening they can take the fall. Or if democrats get a commanding lead, they can take the fall again like when sinema and manchin had the role. “Oh sorry, no healthcare, student loan reform, minimum wage increase, etc for you!”
ACA was a joke. Admittedly the pre existing conditions bit amongst a few other regulatory changes were long overdue and very helpful. But ultimately the individual mandate with no financial support was toxic. People who didn’t have insurance weren’t not buying it because they thought it was fun not to. They couldn’t afford it, they were struggling. By forcing them to with penalties for not you created a generation of angry people. Not only did you not fix healthcare; you were financially punishing them for being too poor to buy into the system that you failed to adequately reform. But the increased signups thanks to this penalty system were great for the private insurance industry lobbying buddies that helped influence this bullshit
50 years from now democrats will be remembered for being absolutely spineless at best and more likely for being power hungry and owned by corporate influence
During Biden’s term they got even more judges confirmed. He should have knocked off a few Supremes so he could match him there, but I’m just pointing out that it’s not like Republican terms are particularly productive.
Theres a lot of things biden should have done. And a lot of things he did that he should not have done. He was always unworthy to be president, and the history books won’t be kind.