You don’t need to physically attend protests to help.
Spreading anti government facts and info all the time, talking to people to open their eyes about the situation is a great help and will do a lot more good than nothing.
Literally the enemy has an army of bots spreading misinformation. If everyone who said they can’t do anything to fight back realized they have a very powerful weapon that is low effort, trump would have never been elected.
Actually, the cash app guy IS. The problem is I do. I run a catering kitchen with literally on other person. I do not have time to vet and train a replacement.
And I’m getting shit for it. “What’s your cash app”, Cool, when I lose this job, are they gonna pay NEXT month’s rent? Cause finding a new one and making bills on time certainly isn’t happening.
Yeah, I’m lashing out at them (and accidentally one other person) because I know what they’re doing
Now I’m being accused of “moving the goalposts”.
“I can’t make it but I wish I could”
“Here’s money now come”
“The reasons I can’t make it aren’t just money”
“Find someone to do your job for you in two weeks. What’s your personal info so I can send money”
“Can you please understand I’m not in a situation where that’s possible”
"No, I have money (for one month’s rent tops), you just hate your country and won’t fight for it
Ya know, this same site that talks about capitalism, people struggling to make ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck, and I’m being made to feel like shit by one in particular person who apparently doesn’t have money worries, simple solutions to everything, and thinks I’m moving goal posts when I try to explain my situation and why it isn’t simple, all the while pointing out that as a country, we lack critical thinking skills, demand simple answers to everything, and simple solutions.
And I’m being responded to with exactly that, by someone fricken gatekeeping the fact that they have enough disposable income to pay my rent
For a month. I doubt I’d see them next month
Fuck just trying to give support though. Gotta love feeling worse than I already do.
You don’t need to physically attend protests to help. Spreading anti government facts and info all the time, talking to people to open their eyes about the situation is a great help and will do a lot more good than nothing.
Literally the enemy has an army of bots spreading misinformation. If everyone who said they can’t do anything to fight back realized they have a very powerful weapon that is low effort, trump would have never been elected.
I have already stated not only to you but others that I already am.
Stop talking down to me. I’m too old for this shit.
Take the hint and back the fuck off.
I simply answered to your post, I am not aware nor interested in your entire post history nor are most people going to be. Relax.
No, you’re demanding personal information and telling me what to do for things you have no understanding of
I’ll not tell you to back off again.
Calm down, man. They aren’t telling you what to do, and are just replying to your reply comment from the other persons comment.
Your comments are starting to seem overly defensive, if you don’t want to take a day off to protest, then don’t, and just don’t reply.
I’m being accused, even by you right now, and being a liar
The fuck
And it genuinely pisses me off
So yeah. Fuck showing support. I’ll just see myself out.
Actually, the cash app guy IS. The problem is I do. I run a catering kitchen with literally on other person. I do not have time to vet and train a replacement.
And I’m getting shit for it. “What’s your cash app”, Cool, when I lose this job, are they gonna pay NEXT month’s rent? Cause finding a new one and making bills on time certainly isn’t happening.
Yeah, I’m lashing out at them (and accidentally one other person) because I know what they’re doing
Now I’m being accused of “moving the goalposts”.
“I can’t make it but I wish I could”
“Here’s money now come”
“The reasons I can’t make it aren’t just money”
“Find someone to do your job for you in two weeks. What’s your personal info so I can send money”
“Can you please understand I’m not in a situation where that’s possible”
"No, I have money (for one month’s rent tops), you just hate your country and won’t fight for it
Ya know, this same site that talks about capitalism, people struggling to make ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck, and I’m being made to feel like shit by one in particular person who apparently doesn’t have money worries, simple solutions to everything, and thinks I’m moving goal posts when I try to explain my situation and why it isn’t simple, all the while pointing out that as a country, we lack critical thinking skills, demand simple answers to everything, and simple solutions.
And I’m being responded to with exactly that, by someone fricken gatekeeping the fact that they have enough disposable income to pay my rent
For a month. I doubt I’d see them next month
Fuck just trying to give support though. Gotta love feeling worse than I already do.
Maybe I really am too old anymore.
… Yo, my guy, no one’s attacking you. Maybe get some meditation in your life.