Some account lists to help people get started on Mastodon/Sharkey

Some accounts to get your feed going

I put together and made public several lists of accounts by topic to try to help newcomers to Mastodon/Sharkey. It may be more useful to people on some of the *key instances, but it’s closer to home this way regardless.

As I mention, I tried to keep this to non-personal accounts to not bother people, so many of the options are larger media outlets that some may not care for. However that’s not unlike some of the big social media sites, so nothing new there.

If you’ve found this helpful, pass it along, or better still: if you’re on one of the *key instances, put together and publish some lists of your own (with individuals’ permission if including them) to help others.

@[email protected]

#Fediverse #Feditips #Fediblog