The reason 6Ghz was introduced with WiFi 6E and 7 was because 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz was very busy.
My question is why isn’t there anything in between? Why isn’t there a 3Ghz, 3.5Ghz, 4Ghz, etc?
Also, what if things that require very little data transmission used something lower than 2.4Ghz for longer range? (1Ghz or something?)
Some parts of the spectrum in between 2.4 and 5 GHz are used by the mobile communication standards LTE and 5G (also higher frequencies). GSM, DVB-T, and FM radio operate at lower frequencies.
ah that makes sense
But, the key takeaway there is that those portions of the spectrum where mobile bands are are restricted to those uses. 2.4 and 5 are “free bands,” in which any device can use them (assuming compliance with FCC part 15 in the US). If I built a device and operated it at say 4.3GHz, I’d get in big trouble once found.
Indeed, the regulation authority, e.g. the Bundesnetzagentur in Germany, will knock on your door and inspect your radio and wifi devices. That way, some years ago they’ve found a malefunctioning radio alarm clock in my area.