The IRS anticipates a $500 billion revenue loss as taxpayers increasingly skip filings following cuts from Elon Musk under Trump.
The IRS, set to downsize by 20% by May 15, has seen increased online chatter about avoiding taxes, with individuals betting auditors won’t scrutinize accounts.
Experts warned that workforce reductions could cripple the agency’s efficiency.
Treasury officials predict a 10% drop in tax receipts compared to 2024.
Former IRS commissioners have criticized the cuts, warning of dysfunction and reduced collection capacity.
I seem to recall hearing Trump officials/project2025 sorts say they wanted to do away with income tax, replace it with tariffs. So, I mean, the IRS falling apart and not being able to collect income tax is sorta… on the roadmap, isnt it? Like issuing this warning is prolly just gonna be taken as a goal milestone achieved on the plan… ??
Replace with tariffs? This clown has no idea how anything works.
Coolidge-ism cannot fail. It can only be failed.
Gutting the federal budget takes us several big steps closer to the Thiel/Yarvin/Srinivasan envisioned Network State. Tiny autocratic techno-feudal cities that rule the surrounding territory in the same way Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula, and east Iraq are controlled from Tel Aviv. We’re going to balkinize America, folks.
I don’t disagree with you – I believe their line of reasoning was along the lines of getting all the operating funds needed for the ‘government’ from revenue generated from tariffs. One reason for aggressively slashing social support systems could be that they want to shift people’s dependency for those programs more directly to corporate interests such as Google and Apple – many tech companies have ‘interests’ in the medical field after all. The one area they would likely still want to maintain govt functions in, are military in nature – the theory is that they want what are essentially geo-distant corporate city states that are connected via the internet, and protected by orbital weaponry / nuclear arms. Setting up a few blocs of this nature, and having them constantly feign conflicts with each other, will help to keep people placated as well, in a sort of horribly Orwellian sense. That sort of concern isn’t really something for the ultra wealthy to be bothered by though, which’s one reason oligarchies are so dangerous.
Still looks like the USA is sorta heading in that direction a bit, though obviously any of my musings are just guesses based on conspiracy theories I find plausible – so I doubt it’d play out that way any time soon or anything. If there were ‘real’ flags of that sort of thing being imminent, I imagine some people in the govt would be making even more noise to us commoners, hah.
Sure but they’re also stupid meaning five minutes after they will realize why income tax was adopted. Tariffs were becoming inefficient by the time of the civil war let alone now.
And loss of trust / stability of the government makes the tech industry’s push for corporate controlled ‘freedom cities’ much easier to get agreement on, allowing America’s rich oligarchs to quite literally establish their own baronies ;P
There’s a reason why company towns were being abandoned even before they were outlawed, that being excessive violence. The key feature of these dweebs is a notable lack of historical understanding. Also a decaying empire is basically the only thing backing their wealth bravo dipshits ya played thine selves, seriously most of this shit will be taught in the successor states of the US not to dissimilar to how the failures of the Soviet Union are taught in former eastern bloc countries.
How much of this is because of America’s new found love of famous tax dodgers they put into the government? So they think that trump is their new best friend, and if their best friends dont pay taxes, why should they?
things like this are why anyone saying the right wing is fiscally responsible should be laughed out of the room
“Republicans are fiscally responsible” = “You eat seven spiders every year in your sleep”
It’s just something people will keep repeating until the end of time because they don’t have anything important to say.
Fiscally Responsible George, who does 86400 fiscally responsibles a day, is an outlier and should not have been included in the data set.
They have never done anything since Regan that would point to them being fiscally responsible. They have always bestowed against the welfare of the future
surely this will lower the price of eggs, right? right?
You need a better meme. Egg prices are almost back to normal in a lot of places.
I still haven’t found a single action that will make things better for citizens after it’s net impact is considered. Let’s not even talk about the negative impact this is having on humanity as a whole…
edit: ITT: people who are too dumb to realize the actions i’m talking about are from DOGE/Dumpy. Lives are at stake, eggs don’t fucking matter.
I was just at the grocery store; normal eggs are $10/dozen in Central California, where we have a lot of egg operations.
Here in Indiana eggs are $4-$5/dozen
$4 greater boston area.
I’m paying $4500/mo on my mortgage. I don’t give a fuck about egg prices. I give a fuck about the impending crash that is going to cost so many jobs. I give a fuck about my wife with a permanent resident card who if she leaves I have no idea if she’ll ever come back - assuming they don’t just strip her of it.
I have real fucking problems. Egg prices aren’t one of them.
4 to 8 bucks in Oakland, oddly enough, Safeways where all the mega price hikes are. You’d figure a general grocery store would have less but I guess the other spots buy local
Merced here, we’re smack in the middle of Cowlifornia, so I would’ve guessed our prices would come down first. I’ve seen local grocers here deadass selling loosies for a dollar. Wild that you guys are coming down before us, but I’m glad to see it.
That is weird, could be dependant on preexisting contracts or possibly bulk orders
So you’re saying the destruction of the whole US Government is just fine because egg prices eventually came back down somewhere?
See line #2?
I still haven’t found a single action that will make things better for citizens after it’s net impact is considered. Let’s not even talk about the negative impact this is having on humanity as a whole…
as in, the actions by the current administration. Is that too hard to understand in a thread about doge telling everyone not to show up for work and cancelling any and all payments to fucking everything, including ones to people who are going to die from the lack of humanitarian aid?
We’re in for some awful shit on massive scale.
Like fuck.
You know the egg thing is a joke at this point, right?
HIS USer name is called the critical thinker, a play on words of the right wing influencer crticial drinker, he wasnt kidding.
I don’t even understand everyone’s obsession over eggs. When prices go up, I simply stop buying them. Not having eggs isn’t the end of the world. There’s plenty of other foods available to eat.
Egg prices are almost back to normal
It’s so funny that someone named “Critical Thinker” never stopped to ask why eggs got expensive to begin with or what has been happening in the poultry industry over the last six months.
You just come off the bat with “Um, aktuly, its fixed now!” without questioning changes to supply or demand.
FFS, Trump’s own Department of Agriculture released an updated food price outlook report for the year predicting that egg prices would increase 41.1% in 2025 as they continue to experience “volatile month-to-month changes” because of the ongoing bird flu outbreak—up from the 20.3% increase the USDA predicted in January.
But why think critically about any of this?
I still haven’t found a single action that will make things better for citizens after it’s net impact is considered.
My man’s brain overheats at the prospect of getting out of bed in the morning.
Are you malfunctioning?
I shit on the current administrations policies and actions with the second line… and in my first line i’m literally saying it’s not nearly as important as EVERYTHING FUCKING ELSE.
jesus christ. My wife has a fucking greencard you asshole. I’m worrying about hundreds of thousands of people being sent ??? and probably dying.
I don’t give a shit that eggs are double the price because of a disease that we probably can’t stop in the near term. We can absolutely save tens of thousands of lives from going back to haiti and getting murdered by the gangs that control port au prince. We can absolutely save tens of thousands of venezuelans that risked their lives to make it to the US in hopes that they could work hard and not get murdered for opposing maduro.
I just can’t even with you people.
jesus christ. My wife has a fucking greencard you asshole.
What does this have to do with the price of eggs?
I don’t give a shit that eggs are double the price
Egg prices are almost back to normal
Bro what?
just look at his username.
no taxation without representation.
Except taxes are still taken out of wages, filing or no
So what’s the point of this dance we do every year where the govt is coyly asking us to guess how much we owe or are owed?
To give hrblock a cut of your money
Civilized countries skip that bullshit and you only need to fill taxes if you disagree with the statement they sent you
tax filing companies intentionally lobbied against any kind of centralized filing, it helps billionaires too.
to give TURBOTAX AND h&r block some of the money. turbo tax heavily spammed one of my emails ever since he won, when before they barely sent any kind of emails.
Selling TurboTax subscriptions
Yea, my wife wants to wait and I’m like, why? We’re just screwing ourselves. Assuming the IRS even processes refunds at this point.
I have to pay as taxes are not taken out of my pay regularly. But, I am still paying it because I don’t want to get audited in 5 years and they be like you need to pay it plus interest.
If you’re owed money, take it, then adjust your shit at work so that doesn’t happen anymore. I owe money because of contract work I did so I’m filing for an extension and see how it shakes out.
You know you can tell your workplace not to do that, right?
And then you get fucked by automatic IRS systems that put a lean on everything you own?
Your employer already reports out what you’re paid. The IRS already knows, and automated systems can easily harm you.
That has to be paired with a literal violent overthrow of the government. Otherwise it doesn’t work. Just ask D.C.
I filed mine mostly because I knew I was going to be getting a refund. I wanted to make sure that I got that money before the IRS was completely fucked. This may be the last year that I purposely overestimate my tax burden (e.g. paying more in taxes than I ideally should).
In the past, people would say that you’re giving the government an interest-free loan - I didn’t really care about that because I knew I would get that money back later. Now? I’m not so sure.
Yeah I usually do the same just to be sure I will never owe anything now I’ll probably change it so I always owe
This is the right way to go unless you’re totally incompetent with money or a gambling addict.
Or living paycheck to paycheck making this the only way to save for big purchases. Not saying I was the best with money, but it was quite nice to guarantee a chunk of money at the beginning of the year.
If you are an individual and not a business then the IRS already knows what you have been paid as long as you have been paid by a business.
It’s already reported.
You can’t dodge your taxes unless you are wealthy or a large corporation, us peons are already under the thumb.
Is everyone thinking they will “just do a tax fraud”?
Well, which of the laid off IRS employees are going to find out?
Some are thinking “I don’t want to fund what Elon is doing so let them come and take it”
They can’t catch all of us, right?
Well a lot of people thought they could do the Chase infinite money glitch… So, who knows.
The tax person I go to every year said everyone is filing for a extensions right now “to see what happens”
Can’t wait for everyone who talks shit about President Musk to get audited. It wasn’t their plan but this is absolutely going to be a trap to catch people who resist the nazi takeover.
Musk: That’s $500bn we won’t have to spend valuable resources counting, so Boom another win!
So efficient
I am one of those skipping filing to see what happens.
Delay, deny, dispose [of the IRS letters].
I’m taking that money and donating it to local charities and helping people in my community.
seems like the way to do it. funding your community is the right thing to do.
Problem is it it will catch up to you if you owe taxes.
When this country recovers, be that in 10 years, then virus will happily go after the tax dodgers of yesterdecade.
That would be my worry.
That’s fine. I’d rather pay a recovered government than the current one…if that happens.
I haven’t done my taxes yet.
Hearing “revenue” from the statement of the tax department is … Crazy
IRS is an acronym which stands for Internal Revenue Service.
They will just enact draconian penalties.