That’s the other guy that said that, the taliban follows a different guy who wandered about a desert.
It’s standard in Germany to sit when pissing.
I’m north of the border. Here it’s apparently standard not to use the urinals either, but men will walk into the booths and still piss standing.
Then why do we use them on our assholes?
The epithelial cells keep reproducing, so any cells your tear off while wiping gets replaced.
But I still concur: it’s 2025, we sent people to the moon almost 60 years ago, we built a world wide computer network, and I can watch porn on a little plastic rectangle, using wireless headphones, so nobody notices that I’m jerking off on the bus (ok, that last part isn’t true, they definitely did notice, and I’m not allowed to drive the school bus anymore /s) … still though, we’ve come so far, and we’re still wiping our asses with dried tree mush? Wtf? At least we’re not using the toilet brush like the Romans, but how about we tried something other than scraping feces from our skin? Maybe a build in bidet? I have never found them in the wild, but when I do, I can guarantee that I’m trying out the warm water and blow dryer options… Maybe while using my wireless headphones and plastic rectangle ;-)
Are we stupid? (don’t answer that)
Yes (sorry, too stupid to understand rhetorical questions)
Hadn’t really noticed that character before yesterday, when they argued that WWII was a proxy war before the US got involved directly. Good thing I didn’t engage.
How did they get to mod so many high traffic communities? I thought we got rid of the power mods from reddit. Is flyingsquid operating their own instance? I haven’t checked, but I’d bet they only mod communities on a single instance.
Update: yup, flyingsquid is only modding on .world, what a coincidence
Extrapolating from pop science of the late 90s, drinking olive will make you immortal. Wash down some Provence herb seasoned whale blubber with copious amounts of red wine, between swiggs of olive oil, and you’ll never have to deal with Alzheimers or the flu either.
Trump would never! /s
At least not as long as Zelensky helps Trump find 10000 votes Hilary’s emails dirt on Hunter Biden
First rule of PETG-club is “dry your filament”, second rule of PETG-club is “dry your filament”… Thrid rule? Nope, it’s “store your filament dry”
Jokes aside, other things you could look at:
You forgot the phase immediately preceding AI: 3d prints.
I mean, in this decade, I’ve heard of car and airplanes being marketed as having 3d printed parts.
I can’t find the qidi for sale in a Danish store, but the prusa xl is 3x the price of the creality K2 plus. Hardly a fair comparison.
I’m about to go look at a used Kona tomorrow. So if you please, what is crazy about the bluetooth?
So which manufacturers should we look at? I’m in the market for a second EV right now. And this is my chain of thought.
My considerations are:
I was looking at Renault Zoe, but after speaking with my local Renault dealer, who has a warranty order in for a simple spare reverse camera, and Renault for 6 months straight now, can’t even tell when they’ll be able to ship it. So Renault is out of the running.
So what else is there? Must be <5 years old, <20k€, and if it could have some warranty left it would be great. Hyundai Kona is starting to look pretty good right now.
IDK why you’re getting down voted, you’re right.
Besides how would such a filter even work? I mean dropping all packets to specific IP addresses will lead to chaos with any organization that uses NAT or GCNAT.
Sure, you can circumvent getting your own IP address banned, by using a tunnel, but then your tunnel gateway is the one to get banned instead. End to end encryption won’t solve the problem. Unless we actually setup a system like tor, and don’t leave our own network. But that would be pretty easy to squash, wouldn’t it? I mean a network only set up for piracy, it will get it’s main operators taken down pretty fast.
On cold winter days, we can average 6kW over 24h, but peak is more like 10 I’d 13. Not talking just about my space heaters with embedded computing power and TBs of storage, but the whole household.
Wow, the US education system must be improved.
I pay my electric bill by the kWh too, and I don’t live in the US. When it comes to household and EV energy consumption, kWh is the unit of choice.
1J is 3600Wh.
No, if you’re going to lecture people on this, at least be right about facts. 1W is 1J/s. So multiply by an hour and you get 1Wh = 3600J
That’s literraly the same thing,
It’s not literally the same thing. The two units are linearly proportional to each other, but they’re not the same. If they were the same, then this discussion would be rather silly.
but the name is less confusing because people tend to confuse W and Wh
Finally, something I can agree with. But that’s only because physics is so undervalued in most educational systems.
Fuck me, I didn’t notice it was tankie country, I swear one of these days I’m gonna block that entire instance from my feed
Fedt /s
Måske vi skulle begynde at overveje at tænke på at tale om, hvordan vi kan sikre vores undersøiske kabler. Her tænker jeg særligt på det 1,6GW HVDC link vi har til Norge samt kablerne til div. havvindmøller.
Jeg har ingen ide (det har jeg tydeligvis) om hvordan man kunne gøre det. Jeg antager at man fra politisk side ikke ønsker at udlægge miner, og eftersom vi vidst nok kun har et skib, der kan skyde, og det tilsyneladende både skal patruljere ved Grønland og jage pirater ved Somalia, så skal vi nok til at hitte på noget nyt.
Vi kunne måske begynde at patruljere med droner? I givet fald kunne vi jo kigge efter droner, der ikke koster 230mio DKK pr stk, som dem vi køber til at patruljere Grønland fra FSN Aalborg
Jeg hører at Ukraine kunne have bud på droner, der ikke koster det samme som to stk leopard 2 a7.
Måske man skulle genoverveje det. Jeg har en del bekendtskaber i Thy og omegn, og de undgår for alt i verden Thisted Sygehus pga kvaliteten af behandlingen og de historier der fortælles. Sygehuset burde enten opprioriteres gevaldigt, eller omlægges til et sundhedshus. At have en ortopædkirurg på vagt 24/7 giver ikke bedre kvalitet, for hvem gider køre helt derud fra Aalborg? Ikke de dygtigste læger.
I min bekendtskabskreds har jeg to personer, der uafhængigt af hinanden, og med års mellemrum, blev tilset i Thisted efter uheld. I begge tilfælde overså ortopæderne brud på nakke- og/eller ryghvirvler.