TL;DW: A fairly automatic postprocessing script to convert your print’s walls to brick layers to attempt to achieve more tensile strength in the Z axis, i.e. against layer separation. Some brief description of the current patent clusterfuck, and an observation that the new patent in question (which is probably void anyway) has not been filed in Europe…

Link to the author’s github for this:

It seems from the github issues report that this is not 100% perfect, but it appears to be at least mostly functional for those of us who would like to mess with this and not have to do it manually.

Note, I am not the author of this.

  • BigDanishGuy
    1 month ago

    Let me preface this by saying that I haven’t watched the entire video yet, but have read the python code.

    I find no mentions of support material in the code. I already have a bit of an issue with layer adhesion in one line thick support structures, and this technique seems to get the added strength from interlocking by having multiple line thick walls.

    Does anybody have experience with thin walls and brick layers?