The last couple seasons of Dr Who have been, let’s be honest, not great. Other than the specials with David Tenant it’s been a long time since it’s been a good show. A spin off will not help. Make one good show first.
There was a slight decline from Tennant to Matt Smith, but nothing really good since then.
Both Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker deserved better writers.
I think part of the problem was making the show more kid friendly as opposed to making a show not for kids, but that kids could enjoy.
I thought Jodie was a great doctor with terrible writing, she deserved better.
I got the impression consultants were listened to. Tried to appeal to “a broader audience”. Classic enshitification.
The 3rd season of Matt Smith started with a massive, expensive orgy of CGI.
The season before had some foreboding, they were clearly trying to pander more to Americans, but s3 was when they completely fell off the plot.
Tennant was generally great with a few weak episodes, but after that everything just had this smear of ‘well it’s expensive to produce , so the writing must be good!’
I only watched a couple of seasons of the reboot, I think the first doctor and a little bit of David Tennant, but I loved how lo-fi the show was. The lack heavy cgi and intentionally amateur special effects told me this was a fun show that didn’t take itself seriously. Disappointed to learn they’re going heavy on cgi
Doctor Who hasn’t been good for a long time. It needs to take a rest for a few years, then get a fresh reboot without any of the people currently involved.
Someone told me in a different thread that the soft reboot was done due to it launching on Apple TV, and wanting new viewers to feel no obligation to watch the older stuff.
Wouldn’t a spinoff offer them the same kind of opportunity to expose new viewers to the universe without feeling like they were missing the old stuff?