• WoodScientist
    5 days ago

    It reminds me of centrist Dem politicians. The same group that ran a campaign openly saying that Trump would institute a fascist coup now insist on pretending everything is normal. The greatest weapon of a latter-day fascist is the normalcy bias. Trump won the election because many people assumed those calling Trump a fascist were just exercising ordinary political hyperbole. Now we have an Apartheid billionaire reorganizing the government and a Secretary of Defense that has giant white power tattoo on his chest. The president is openly performing shakedown operations against legal firms and media outlets. And the regime is rounding people up without due process and shipping them off to an overseas gulag. The administration is doing this citing a law that was last used to inter Japanese Americans during WW2.

    Hell, my passport was retroactively declared fraudulent because I happen to be a member of one of the groups that the fascists have defined as their internal enemies. My nation’s government has decided that I do not deserve the right to leave the country. When it comes time to renew my passport, I’ll be given a document completely useless for actual travel abroad.

    And yet, we’re supposed to play nice and pretend that this isn’t fascism. It meets every definition of the word, but people are so blinded by normalcy bias that they can’t see what’s right in front of their face. They won’t admit it’s fascism until they’re force to tour a literal death camp and walk past piles of charred corpses. And even then, they would have questions of whether this really was fascism.