Tens of thousands? That’s it? Are MPs that cheap to bribe? Mien Gott, Hitler should have just purchased his way to victory.
I was surprised too. They talk about 46k euros. I wonder how much Nokia used to pay, or Cisco, or other big players: I bet those numbers are so big you’d be killed if you even think of disclosing them.
I assume MEPs are cheap because the European Parliament is not nearly as powerful as many national ones. It’s designed to vote on topics predetermined by the European Council and can not initiate new laws on its own. So unless there is already something interesting in the pipeline, it doesn’t make much sense to pay high sums: The target simply can’t make it happen.
I don’t think that can explain it alone, since a British MP was in trouble over £4,000 from gambling companies last year
Okay Europeans (and Westerners in general), why are your politicians so fucking cheap to bribe?
Did you have higher expectations of western politicians or think those were non-western rates?
Did you have higher expectations of western politicians or think those were non-western rates?
Neither; it’s just that these are theoretically the most powerful people in the country and yet can be bought for 10k. I know they’re supposed to be servants of the people and all that, but still maybe pay them more so it’s at least more expensive to bribe them?
Interesting domain this website has
Follow The Money is a highly respected Dutch investigative journalism organisation, for what it’s worth.
Thank you, I am gonna add it to the post.
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I did; it didn’t.