For what it’s worth, 338 Canada considers the riding an NDP/Liberal toss-up right now.
I’m not one to tell people whether they should vote strategically, because I have a lot of misgivings about the concept myself.
Just…do your best out there.
Idk man,
Hence, “for what it’s worth.”
Polling methodologies are pretty flawed in many ways, but this is what we have to go on right now.
Yeah, it’d be nice if the pollsters wouldn’t do shady shit like provide polls for ridings when they don’t have riding data.
The least they could do is make it clear that it’s extrapolated from federal data. Very frustrating.
Fair enough, I wish it was common practice to mention it in articles
And while we can’t be 100% confident that the future will follow the past, in the 2021 election the CPC got <13%.
Ms. Gazan is a rockstar MP. Get the word out for her, she is all in on UBI, which is what we might need to ride out these shocks from the next 4 yrs of Trump and beyond.
I really hope she becomes PM one day