• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    It actually isn’t “everything you need to know”, because this is straight-up misleading. You’ve removed the two candidates to the left of Pence (Christie and Hutchinson) who did not raise their hands when asked if they would support Trump as the nominee.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Agreed I would have preferred an uncropped imagine and would have still gotten a message across about US political systems.

    • @RegularGoose
      110 months ago

      You mean the two who won’t get any votes?

    • @[email protected]OP
      10 months ago

      Because it’s irrelevant. The point is that 6 candidates raised their hands. Which not only includes those leading in the polls behind Trump but also Mike Pence himself!

      • @[email protected]
        4410 months ago

        What is being comunicated in the image is that every republican nominee says they will support Trump. That is simply a lie; and the image was cropped specifically to make that lie.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          The cropping is not accurate to the question asked at the debate, but every candidate there signed a pledge to back whoever wins the GOP primary, and right now that includes Trump as an option.

          So for Hutchinson and Christie, the only way this image is not an accurate representation of their stances (if not how they answered the question on stage) is if we assume that they were lying when signing the “loyalty pledge” document that was a requirement for even being on the stage at all.

          Christie in particular opposed Trump in the 2016 election…all the way until Trump got the nomination, at which point Christie became an ardent Trump supporter. I think it’s reasonable to assume this is a repeat of that track record on his part.

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            Christie caught Covid from Trump while helping him prep for a presidential debate against Biden. LOL

        • @[email protected]OP
          310 months ago

          You’re making an assumption. I’m the one who made this image and I did not crop it specifically to “make that lie.” I cropped it to show the six people that were holding their hands up.

          • @beetus
            10 months ago

            Thanks for unwittingly continuing the spreading of misinformation on the Internet. It sucks here more because of situations like this.

            • @[email protected]OP
              10 months ago

              If someone is coming to a political meme community looking for accurate information, let’s all be good stewards and direct them to actual reputable news sources.

            • AngrilyEatingMuffins
              010 months ago

              This is rank both-siderism bullshit. This is a funny meme about the hypocrisy of some candidates. It’s nothing like the absolute fabrication of events the republicans engage in en masse. Go spread your bullshit elsewhere, and stop making space for Nazis.

              • @beetus
                110 months ago

                Lmao thanks for trying to paint me into a box I don’t belong in. I have never and will likely never vote for any Republican candidate, especially any with ties to trump.

                I’m not whataboutisming here, I’m suggesting that the OP hid context to paint a specific narrative. Even if I agree with that narrative (all R bad), it’s gross to see explicit manipulation in action.

                All sides should demand better. Memes that paint everyone with a broad brush are what caused us to be so hyper partisan.

                • AngrilyEatingMuffins
                  10 months ago

                  I don’t fucking care about your life story when you’re literally making space for Nazis, moron. Your intent means less than nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    4510 months ago

    Part of what makes that whole thing weird is that in order to take part in the debate, they had to sign a statement saying that they would support the eventual GOP candidate. That’s why Trump wasn’t allowed to participate: he wants to option to go rogue if he doesn’t get the nomination. Typically, though, I’d expect him to just lie if he wanted to go that route.

    For everyone at the debate, though, if they said that they wouldn’t support Trump as the nominee, they would be going against the word of the document they just signed. Definitely a lose-lose situation for them. (Though they are the ones who created the Trump problem in the first place, so it serves them right)

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      Chris Christie signed the pledge, and stated that he intends to break it if Trump wins. Back in 2016, Trump signed the pledge, then did not raise his hand when the question was asked in a debate.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        also i wouldnt blame anyone here who said no i wouldnt support trump, besides the obvious (t)reason, the fucker isnt even following the same rules as they are. hes not there raising his hand in support of the republican party and their choices if they dont involve him. he gets to say i wont show up and do the same but then they have to be like yeah i will support him if for some reason this is all for nothing and everyone is wasting their time right now. fuck that. if he somehow gets the nomination anyway i hope they all enjoy their faces being eaten…

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I really think he didn’t participate cause he has nothing to gain from attending them. He is missing out on having his people in the spin room, though

  • @[email protected]
    2810 months ago

    Are there transcripts of these debates available? I don’t want to watch an hour of trash

    • @[email protected]
      3810 months ago

      This picture does cut off the two candidates on the left who didn’t raise their hands, and I’m not 100% Pence raised his hand in supporting Trump but don’t remember. Otherwise more or less accurate.

      • @[email protected]
        2810 months ago

        This picture does cut off the two candidates on the left who didn’t raise their hands, and I’m not 100% Pence raised his hand in supporting Trump but don’t remember. Otherwise more or less accurate.

        jfc. 12 solid years of trying to follow this fucking shitshow of a country and I just can’t handle it these days.

        • @[email protected]
          2210 months ago

          I think it’s one of the reasons I’ve been following Ukraine so closely. It’s a sad conflict, but it gives me a sense of hope seeing united people who genuinely give a fuck about their country and what they can achieve.

          • @[email protected]
            1010 months ago


            I think I’m doing the same thing without realizing it until you mentioned it. If that’s the case, it is really fucked up train of thought and speaks volumes about the state of the world right now… .

      • Shazbot
        810 months ago

        Pence had some hesitation, but like the rest, he buckled to the cheers of the crowd and raised his hand.

                • AngrilyEatingMuffins
                  10 months ago

                  I wish to go back to the party of nuance

                  Motherfucker said this with a straight face while being sad that the party isn’t like it was when the Republicans were principled and were just making up lies to get us into trillion dollar wars. Or was it when they were illegally trading arms with foreign dictatorships? Funding nun-killers? Spying on their opposition? Using the office of the presidency to carry out personal vendettas? Lying about a trillion dollar war again!!!

                  When is this mythical time when you weren’t all giant pieces of shit? Gotta go back to Lincoln?

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      No but kinda. These questions were never asked. Its paraphrased. I mean these are literally both the exact same photo.

      The exact question that was asked is:

      “If former President Trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party’s choice?”

      They cut out one guy who didn’t raise his hand on the far left and also Chris Christie on the left who half-raised his hand with one finger.

      Also no one raised their hands immediately. There was a short pause and then they all went up from right to left. As if they weren’t sure it was safe to say so unless their co-conspiratora did.

      So yeah, all of these people said they would support a convicted criminal for President. Including the guy that the criminal nearly had killed.

      • @[email protected]OP
        310 months ago

        That’s the part that blows my mind the most. Trump threw Pence to the wolves and continues to do so and he would still support him for President?? Despite saying just the other day that he should never be President again? This guy flip flops like a fish out of water.

          • @[email protected]OP
            310 months ago

            The whole thing is a shit show. Everything about the GOP is. 8 candidates on a stage debating with not a single one of them anywhere near the leading guy who’s turning himself in to jail to post bond today. It’s like a circus full of clowns who aren’t funny at all! I wish I knew what was going to happen over the next year but as recent history has shown us, everything about American politics is completely unpredictable.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            He’d never win an election. He’s just an unpopular guy.

            People said much worse things about Trump

    • @[email protected]
      1710 months ago

      It boiled down to there being no real policy to improve the country, just rhetoric and culture war bullshit and pandering about God and men in sports.

      The two candidates who said out loud that they don’t support Trump, Hutchinson and Christi, got booed by the crowd.

      It’s hilarious to me that not supporting Trump will kill a Republican’s campaign, but supporting him means you think he deserves the nomination and so therefore killing your campaign. They created this Trump problem, now they need to eat shit as it destroys them.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Trump accuses Fox of not being supportive of him. For a lot of the far right, Fox is too mainstream.

      • @_errer
        210 months ago

        They also streamed it on their website. Would have been good for it to be on broadcast tv, but the barrier to entry wasn’t that high

  • @[email protected]
    1410 months ago

    Who thinks climate change is caused by human activity? - Desantis immediately derailed this question, I think only about half actually ended up answering

      • @RegularGoose
        10 months ago

        As if they fucking matter. There’s literally nothing that will prevent Trump from getting the nomination, short of his death.

  • Neon
    10 months ago
    1. you need to make a better effort at seperating the two pictures, i was not sure where the first ended and the second ended
    2. otherwise good Meme. like it a lot. upvoted.
  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    The rules don’t matter, power is all they care about. Acting all astonished every time conservatives ignore laws is naive

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      And more importantly, what’s right also doesn’t matter to them.

      I call this out because sometimes rules and laws are immoral and thus it’s sometimes good to ignore those rules. But this isn’t one of those times.

    • @[email protected]OP
      710 months ago

      Thanks! I think most people get that. I was just thinking if memes should come with explanations and disclaimers now days? lol

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        ITT: People who get their news from memes apparently.

        You did nothing wrong. If people want to base their votes on what they see in memes then… Oh wait there’s already a political party for that. They just had a debate the other night.

  • Seigest
    610 months ago

    So even if you jail him or bar him from re-election, Trumps just going to have puppet run for him on the outside?

    That’d almost be worse because he won’t be bound to any of the rules of a president, he’d be able to pardon himself by proxy, and not have any accountability for the puppets actions.