I shared a video of the problem, it’s hard to describe with words. Can you help me solve it?

  • rambos@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    I just checked youtube video about your extruder. I couldnt find how to change tension tho.

    To inspect gear it should be possible to see it from above (around the spot where filament enters extruder). Maybe you can try to heat up to 210C and then disable stepper motors and push filament by hand (or using that wheel on front side of extruder). Or just remove filament and try extruding to see if motor is working normaly.

    It could be that hotend is clogged or maybe your motor cable is lose (assuming it was working fine before). More likely a clog, and you should probably dissasemble extruder and clean, but you can also try cold pulls (google that, you heat up to lower temp and pull the filament with hand to remove if soemthing was stuck there).

    What retraction distance you use? If retraction distance is too high and extruder fan not powerfull enough, hot filament can go too far in the cold part of extruder and then it can deform and cool down and gets stuck there. Motor can usually overcome that force and grind trough filament, but thats not your case, your motor cant rotate at all. Thats why I said maybe lose cable, but it could be that your motor curent is just set that low and I wouldnt touch it if it was working before. Another cause could be stepper driver overheating, but that usually happens while printing long print jobs, so not likely here I think.