For me, the first thing I’d do is clear my family of all debts(or whatever financial issues) there is and then the second thing i’d do is buy a hundred Siomai for me to eat

What are you buying if you won One billion dollars?

  • Remy
    2 years ago

    Easy. I’m building a low-income non-equity housing co-op. It’ll have very small homes built from sustainable materials, distributed throughout a permaculture-based native plants food forest. In the middle there will be a big central space that functions as a community kitchen, storage space, and venue. The buildings will all be connected through a series of raised, fenced-in, roofed walkways that allow animal life to pass underneath, but also are accessibly designed for (provided) wheelchair/scooter use. We’ll run all the wiring through these as well. It’ll be powered by solar/etc and we’ll have our own self-hosted municipal wifi with free email addresses and storage for residents. And etc, etc lol, obviously this is a very long standing pipe dream for me.

      2 years ago

      An excess of single family housing is a major contributor to homelessness. We need denser housing. I’d rather work towards building something like a dense arcology. Somewhere for people to live that makes efficient use of the space to grow plants.

      • Remy
        2 years ago

        I knew about this problem, the whole issue with the tradeoffs/advantages/disadvantages between having denser housing vs having adequate green space. However, I didn’t know there were any reasonably well developed potential solutions! Thank you for introducing me to the concept of Arcology, this is awesome.

        What if my proposed setup was more like tall dense multifamily buildings instead? Maybe something like how Pueblo housing worked?

          2 years ago

          That’s not a bad idea. Kinda combining the ideas. Smallish apartment buildings or multiplexes with lots of green space?

          • Remy
            2 years ago

            Yeah exactly. I feel like it might be more kind of “doable” on a smaller community-level scale, which appeals to me because anarchy. I don’t know how well it actually threads that needle though, and whether it introduces its own problems

      2 years ago

      My husband and I had a similar idea but for ourselves and friends versus your purpose-built need. With a billion dollars we can do both and then some so I’ll build my commune and pay for yours to exist in multiple areas globally.

      2 years ago

      My first thought was reaching out to a property developer I know, and paying them to take care of the housing crisis in the state… housing first. I would then shame the absolute living fuck out of the people here that are more interested in children’s genitals, on behalf of some asshole god they worship.

      Not quite as environmentally friendly- there would be efforts, but, then I would also use a substantial chunk of it to invest into things like solar or batteries, and energy grid development.

      I would also buy myself the Lego venator kit. (Star Wars, Vader’s flagship from ESB).

    2 years ago

    Juste some ideas that crossed my mind, maybe all at once is too expensive for one billion.

    1. Clearing all my debts.
    2. Shop only ethical products.
    3. Support lot of projects that are close to my heart.
    4. Corrupt politicians to incite them to make ethical choices.
    5. Buy shady companies and let them sink.
    6. Create my own utopic nation and corrupt the UN to let them recognize it.
    2 years ago

    I buy myself a house, pay off my family’s home, pay off my best friend’s home, and pay off my and my siblings’ student loan debt.

    And I’ll still have 998 million left over.

    10 million goes into a trust, to pay my lawyers, financial advisers, and accountants.

    15 million goes into whatever savings/trust/investment account my financial advisors recommend , with a maximum dispersement of $500,000 per year, for me to use as I see fit.

    1 million for each of my 9 cousins, for education or housing.

    964 million left.

    I buy an apartment building. I advertise a reasonable rent, for the area. When I get a tenant that I like, I’ll decrease the rent to 20% of the person’s reported monthly income. I’ll apply that towards immediate bills, then take a small amount for long-term improvements, then put the rest in savings/investment accounts, one for each unit, split equally. Upon the end of the lease, the tenant can cash out this savings account. If the tenant has extenuating circumstances, their rent can be paid from this savings account, or the principal of this account can be pulled from at any time.

    Some amount of money from the billion will be put in an investment/savings account, so that money can be pulled in perpetuity if necessary, to keep the apartment afloat during lean times. Something like 25 million, to allow for up to $1 million in disbursement per year for stuff that’s not covered by rent. Once this account doubles, I’ll buy another apartment, and so on.

    $900 million left.

    $100 million goes into a trust to be used for charitable ventures.

    $800 million.

    This is so much money. I literally couldn’t possibly spend it all in my lifetime.

    2 years ago

    First, buy the services of a financial advisor. Run a very long list of ideas past them to see what’s plausible, what would make a positive difference in the world, what would likely become a self sustaining positive thing after an initial investment that I can afford to go without a return on.

    For myself, build a house. Pick the exact location I want. Customize and overbuild everything. Backup power and solar panels. But from the outside, make it look exactly like the majority of the houses in a 1 mile radius. Except mine is capable of withstanding nuclear war.

    Also, health care to the max is high on my selfish list. I want a reputable doctor to show up at my house each month to check on things and answer all the odd questions about a cough I had one time or whatever.

    For my family, buy them a few nice things, set up a trust fund that pays out an actual living wage to each person and include a standing appointment with a financial advisor as well as access to their own doctor who makes house calls.

    2 years ago

    I’d be on high alert, because that sounds like a goddamn phishing e-mail!
    Are there also hot singles in my area?

    2 years ago
    1. Clear all my debts, pay for my kid to go to any college he wants.
    2. Renovate my house, or buy a new one. My house needs a lot of work but I’ve never had the funds to do much about it. There’s electrical work and plumbing that needs to be done, roof needs to be replaced, hot water heater needs to be replaced, etc.
    3. Open a computer repair shop. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but computer repair for end users isn’t as profitable as it once was.
    4. Open a Retro Gaming & Computing museum. With every console you can imagine. And retro computers. And giant CRT televisions and monitors. With a giant collection of games. Everything is plugged in, with multiple controllers, ready to be played! I’d probably have a gallery of pinball tables attached as well.
    5. I don’t know the details, but I’d try to start some sort of e-waste program that tries to preserve retro tech rather than see it go to a landfill, or even rather than seeing it get scrapped for copper, etc.
    2 years ago

    A few US senators. Maybe a Supreme Court judge or two, just for good measure. And a super-yacht, obviously.

    2 years ago

    All the things. Like others have said it’s an insane amount of money.

    But realistically, after debt, setting up family, I’d probably buy a (few?) of my dream cars, along with a “project car”. Along with some secured garage somewhere. Also fix up my basement, an/or get a new house (but not into anything crazy, I don’t want a mansion). Find a good charity (or 5) and donate.

    But most importantly I’d pay my damn taxes! Not gonna be one of those fucker billionaires that wants to skirt on their basic social responsibility.