• FSR 3 is frame generation, similar to DLSS 3. It can greatly increase FPS to 2-3x.

  • FSR 3 can run on any GPU, including consoles. They made a point about how it would be dumb to limit it to only the newest generation of cards.

  • Every DX11 & DX12 game can take advantage of this tech via HYPR-RX, which is AMD’s software for boosting frames and decreasing latency.

  • Games will start using it by early fall, public launch will be by Q1 2024

It’s left to be seen how good or noticeable FSR3 will be, but if it actually runs well I think we can expect tons of games (especially on console) to make use of it.

      2 years ago

      AMD has features in yesteryears that it had before Nvidia, its just less people paid attention to them till it became a hot topic after nvidia implemented it.

      An example was anti lag, which AMD and Intel implemented before Nvidia

      But people didnt care about it till ULL mode turned into Reflex.

      AMD still holds onto Radeon Chill. Which basically keeps the gpu running slower when idling in game when not a lot is happening on the screen…the end result is lower power consumption when AFK, as well as reletivelly lower fan speeds/better acoustics because the gpu doesnt constantly work as hard.

          2 years ago

          yeah if you’re severely gpu bottlenecked the difference is IMMEDIATELY OBVIOUS, especially in menus with custom cursors. (mouse smoothness while navigating menus is night and day difference), in-game it’s barely noticeable until you start dropping to ~30fps, then again: a huge difference.

              2 years ago

              I’m not saying reflex is bad and not used by esports pros. Its just the use of theoretical is not the best choice of word for the situation, as it does make a change, its just much harder to detect, similar to the difference between similar but not the same framerate on latency, or the experience of having refresh rates that are close to each other, especially on the high end as you stop getting into the realm of framerate input properties, but become bottlenecked by acreen characteristics (why oleds are better than traditional ips, but can be beat by high refresh rate ips/tn with BFI)

              Regardless, the point is less on the tech, but the idea that AMD doesnt innovate. It does, but it takes longer for people to see t because they either choose not to use a specific feature, or are completely unaware of it, either because they dont use AMD, or they have a fixed channel on where they get their news.

              Lets not forget over a decade ago, AMDs mantle was what brought Vulkan/DX12 performance to pc.

                  2 years ago

                  Because AMD gpu division is a much smaller division in an overall larger company. They physically cant push out as much features because of that. When they decide to make a drastic change to its hardware, its rarely seen till its considered old news. Take for example maxwell and pascal. You dont see a performance loss at the start because games would be designed for hardware at the time, in particular whatevers the most popular.

                  Maxwell and Pascal had a notible trait allowing it to have lower power consumption, the lack of a hardware scheduler as Nvidia moved the scheduler onto the driver. This allowed Nvidia to manually have more control of the gpu pipeline allowing for their gpus to handle smaller pipelines better, compared to AMD which had a hardware based one with multuple pipelines that needed an application to use properly to maximize its performance. It led to Maxwell/Pascal cards to have better performance… Til it didnt, as devs started to thead games better, and what used to be a good change for power consumption evolved into a cpu overhead problem (something Nvidia still has to this day reletive to AMS). AMDs innovations tend to be more on the hardware side of things which is pretty hard to market because of it.

                  It was like AMDs marketing for Smart Access Memory (again a feature AMD got to first, and till this day, works slightly better on AMD systems than other ones). It was a feature that was hard to market because there isnt much of a wow factor to them, but is an innovation.