The last few posts made here, they’ve shown up, made the most inane, idiotic, and pointless comments, upvoted each other in a frenzy of circle jerking, and generally made a pest of themselves.

They’re a nuisance, and add nothing of value to the Lemmy experience.

  • BlueÆ
    2 years ago

    You are the one in that thread getting hun up on a te Reo name when Te Reo is an official language (the only written in Law - English is only a common language as far as I understand), they, and others have called out the developers and you fo a quite an easy Te Reo name.

    I have seen issues with 111 having issues with an English street name - Dick st. It took three calls to get EMS to attend because the first two went to (i guess) the same controller who insisted that Dick st was a prank call.

    I don’t like how they exclusively use memes, and seem to group post, but on the issue of the street name I think you are in the wrong.