• Kraiden
      31 year ago

      Bought it early on, because I heard PC wasn’t so bad. It was. Came back to it about 6 months ago and got through the main story.

      It was better. The bugs were more in the Bethesda realm of funny, but not game breaking.

      I’m in two minds as to whether to pick up PL. On one hand, I’m kinda done with Cyberpunk. It was fine. I’m not sure I need to go back…

      On the other hand, apparently the expansion adds a lot to things like police AI, so it might actually be worth going back.

      I dunno. Will see what reviews are like when it’s out

    • SwarmingOP
      21 year ago

      I maybe got like 10-15 hours into it? I quite liked it but it felt underbaked in many areas. I’m curious to see just how expansive the improvements to basic core gameplay systems are in the final product here. Because graphically and narratively, I felt they had something pretty special.

        • SwarmingOP
          21 year ago

          Hahahaha, I can understand the cynicism.

          I’ve put in 125 hours to Tears of the Kingdom though so maybe that’s restored some of my faith in what video games can be!

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    The RT Overdrive is sooo impressive. A lot of games have been talking about raytracing transforming game graphics but this is the first time I really felt that. Yes, it destroys FPS and only works on high-end GPUs, but if that’s the future of how good lighting is then that’s damn exciting.