[Mention your Sex if you are comfortable, I want to see the breakdown between the sexes here]

I just tried to skim through Linux User Manual and it was really quite informative and made me think of reading it someday, but I kinda know for a fact that that someday might never come, but it’s truly a shame though.

Now, you, yes you! Have you read the user manual of your Operating system!

[I am wasting a lot of time on here, so I won’t be engaging or enraging y’all, but this is a good convo topic, isn’t it? (try that on a girl), I just wanted to know how many or how few people read UMs]___

  • flambonkscious
    1 year ago

    I remember reading some old technical manuals for windows 95 way back in the day. Taught me heaps about PnP, bus arbiters and so on.

    To be fair, I probably didn’t use that knowledge all that much as PnP and ACPI actually worked really well (I was fortunate enough to only have to deal with DOS as far as himem and whatnot…)

    The old GUI style guidelines were fantastic back in the day too - completely unlike the anything-goes approach to modern software development (very different pros and cons, basically), especially in windows-land.

    Am male