IMDB got to drop an exclusive new scene at noon. Ishamael channeling. DEFINITE must watch for book fans.

Blood calls blood. Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.

  • maegul (he/they)
    2 years ago

    There’s something that will likely be in Season 4 that will make or break the show forever.

    Huh, interesting! I’m toying with the idea of giving the books a go. Started book 1 and might go on. So I’m guessing you’re referring to something in book four?

    • abraxasOPM
      2 years ago

      Book 6. The show will be really compressed. It’s a strange book. Some parts of it are considered slow by many, but it has the most unforgettable chapter in the entire series, so much so that you regularly see call-outs to “guess what chapter I’m on in my reread?” in the subreddit.

      Good news is that book 2 and book 4 are considered by many to be the best books in the series (4 is the most popular if I recall), so it’s easy to ride the tide in. Book 3 has a special place in my heart, too.

      • maegul (he/they)
        2 years ago

        Cheers! Yes much of my trepidation over committing to the book is feeling like I probably wouldn’t get through the slog. I’ve found some fan made abridged version though, and there are plenty of good summaries online, so I figure if even I can’t make it, there’ll at least be some shortcuts to take to get me to the end.

        • abraxasOPM
          2 years ago

          Here’s a different take of the slog. The books themselves referred to as “the slog” are not THAT slow. What people forget is what the slog really was. And the key word is “was”.

          What do I mean? The slog is that Lord of Chaos released in 1994, and Knife of Dreams released in 2005. Between those 11 years, 4 books were released that did not conclude any major plot points, and deferred even progress in some of the more challenging plot points (including a single chase/follow/tracking line that mysteriously lasts all 4 books). Let that sink in. 11 years. I read those 4 books in a total of 6 days (and yes, reread them at least twice while waiting).

          The books themselves are not objectively bad, or even terrifyingly slow. But a teenage reader having to wait until their ADULT years to find out what happens on things they’re interested in? That was a slog. That was “THE slog”.

          Nowadays, if it seems slow to you, just read a bit faster or toss the audiobook on 1.2 speed, and you’re fine. I’ve done 5 rereads or more through the so-called slog and it’s nothing.