We’re going through one of those rough patches and the community is getting riled up again. Progress has been extra slow recently and it’s unlikely to pick up. There are rumors that the PU teams have been stripped down to barebones crew to prioritize SQ42 development. This movement to not spend any more money until 4.0 is picking up steam and I was wondering what people felt about all that.

I’ve bought my fair share of ships in the past, but I’m not really looking to pay the prices that CIG are asking these days. I might join in on this just because I sort of agree with the statement. Progress is going far too slow and SQ42 is almost a decade behind “schedule”. At some point we have to force CIG to finish it.

  • sky_driver@citizensgaming.com
    2 years ago

    I’ve got enough store credit to get anything new 🤣

    People are justified in being upset. We passed reasonable development a long time ago.

    It should be no cash till SQ42 though, because Pyro isn’t coming before that. But I guess that doesn’t flow as well 🙂

    • Random Dent@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      TBH I’m just at no more cash full stop. I paid for the game (in like 2012 lol), bought a ship, subscribed for a bit before the lateness got too ridiculous… I’ve done my part of the transaction, and then some.

      Their part is to deliver the game as described. I doubt they’ll actually manage it if I’m being honest, but yeah. No more money.

      • Singar@citizensgaming.com
        2 years ago

        That’s fair. It’s crazy to pay more than $100 for a game anyway. CIG really knows how to create an addictive monetary system.